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Main article: InSim

InSim.txt is a file found the games doc folder. It is a C++ header file that contains the definition for each packet as well as comments from Scawen as to how each packet should be used.

Here are the complete contents of InSim.txt as of 24 Dec 2023 (patch 0.7E).

#ifndef _ISPACKETS_H_
#define _ISPACKETS_H_

// InSim for Live for Speed

// InSim allows communication between up to 8 external programs and LFS.

// TCP or UDP packets can be sent in both directions, LFS reporting various
// things about its state, and the external program requesting info and
// controlling LFS with special packets, text commands or keypresses.

// NOTE: This text file was written with a TAB size equal to 4 spaces.

// INSIM VERSION NUMBER (updated for version 0.7A)
// ====================

const int INSIM_VERSION = 9;

// =======

// Version 0.7E
// ------------
// License byte added to IS_NCI packet (after Language byte)
// IS_PLH packet sets handicaps for individual players
// TINY_PLH - request IS_PLH listing player handicaps
// SMALL_LCL - full control of lights including fog and extra lights

// Version 0.7A (INSIM_VERSION increased to 9)
// ------------
// New size byte for packets - now represents packet size / 4
// - this allows much larger packets, up to 1020 bytes
// IS_AXM maximum objects increased to 60 (was 30) - see AXM_MAX_OBJECTS
// IS_MCI maximum cars increased to 16 (was 8) - see MCI_MAX_CARS
// IS_MAL / TINY_MAL - set / get list of mods allowed on host

// Version 0.6V
// ------------
// NLP / MCI minimum time interval reduced to 10 ms (was 40 ms)
// IS_CPP FOV can now be used in-car but not smoothed (0 = no change)
// IS_CPP Pos is now relative to "Centre view" not the user setting
// IS_RES TTime now indicates time since qualifying started
// IS_RES PLID is now zero if the player has left the race
// IS_NPL Config  : setup configuration
// IS_NPL Fuel    : initial fuel load
// IS_NPL RWAdj   : tyre width reduction (rear)
// IS_NPL FWAdj   : tyre width reduction (front)
// IS_PIT FuelAdd : fuel added
// IS_SPX Fuel200 : fuel remaining
// IS_LAP Fuel200 : fuel remaining

// Version 0.6T (INSIM_VERSION increased to 8)
// ------------
// New value PMO_POSITION for IS_AXM packet to report a blank position
// New packet IS_CIM reports a connection's interface mode
// New values TTC_SEL_START and TTC_SEL_STOP for IS_TTC
// New value PMO_GET_Z for IS_AXM packet to report Z values

// Version 0.6N
// ------------
// Added ISS_DIALOG and ISS_TEXT_ENTRY to the ISS state flags
// New packet SMALL_LCS - set local car switches (lights, horn, siren)

// Version 0.6M (INSIM_VERSION increased to 7)
// ------------
// Backward compatibility system - send INSIM_VERSION in the IS_ISI
// Older programs (that send zero) are assumed to require version 6
// New join request system enabled if ISF_REQ_JOIN is set in IS_ISI
// IS_JRR can also be used to reset a car at a specified location
// Packet IS_CSC to report changes in car state (currently start or stop)
// Zbyte added to CarContObject structure to report car's altitude
// Zbyte added to IS_OBH so the layout object can be identified
// IS_MSO / IS_III / IS_ACR message out packets now have variable size
// IS_BFN can now be used to delete a range of buttons with a single packet
// New packet IS_OCO can be used to override specific or all start lights
// New IS_AXM option PMO_SELECTION to set the current editor selection
// Added TTC_SEL to request an IS_AXM with layout editor selection
// Added TINY_AXM to request IS_AXM packets for the entire layout
// IS_SSH documentation updated as it is no longer only for bmp files
// New packet IS_UCO sends info about InSim checkpoints and circles
// New packet IS_SLC reports a connection's currently selected car
// Packet TINY_SLC to request an IS_SLC for all connections
// Added TINY_ALC and SMALL_ALC to get and set allowed cars (like /cars)
// Value 5 (out of bounds) added to the IS_HLV packet

// Version 0.6H (INSIM_VERSION increased to 6)
// ------------
// IS_REO and IS_NLP increased in size to allow 40 drivers
// ObjectInfo Zchar is now Zbyte - see layout file description
// ISP_NCI packet added to give host more info about new guest

// Version 0.6C
// ------------
// Small change to the in-game usage of IS_REO - only valid after SMALL_VTA
// Some more values (CPW / OOS / JOOS / HACK) added to the leave reasons

// Version 0.6B (INSIM_VERSION increased to 5)
// ------------
// Lap timing info added to IS_RST (Timing byte)
// NLP / MCI minimum time interval reduced to 40 ms (was 50 ms)
// TINY_VTC now cancels game votes even if the majority has not been reached
// IS_MTC (Msg To Connection) now has a variable length (up to 128 characters)
// IS_MTC can be sent to all (UCID = 255) and sound effect can be specified
// IS_CON reports contact between two cars           (if ISF_CON is set)
// IS_OBH reports information about any object hit   (if ISF_OBH is set)
// IS_HLV reports incidents that would violate HLVC  (if ISF_HLV is set)
// IS_PLC sets allowed cars for individual players
// IS_AXM to add / remove / clear autocross objects
// IS_ACR reports successful or attempted admin commands
// OG_SHIFT and OG_CTRL (keys) bits added to OutGaugePack
// New IS_RIP option RIPOPT_FULL_PHYS to use full physics when searching
// ISS_SHIFTU_HIGH is no longer used (no high / low view distinction)
// FIX: Clutch axis / button was not reported from Controls screen
// FIX: TTime in IS_RIP was wrong in mid-joined Multiplayer Replays
// FIX: IS_BTN did not allow the documented limit of 240 characters
// FIX: OutGaugePack ID was always zero regardless of ID in cfg.txt
// FIX: InSim camera with vertical pitch would cause LFS to crash

// Version 0.5Z (no change to INSIM_VERSION)
// ------------
// NLP / MCI packets are now output at regular intervals
// CCI_LAG bit added to the CompCar structure

// TYPES: (all multi-byte types are PC style - lowest byte first)
// =====

// char			1-byte character
// byte			1-byte unsigned integer
// word			2-byte unsigned integer
// short		2-byte signed integer
// unsigned		4-byte unsigned integer
// int			4-byte signed integer
// float		4-byte float

// RaceLaps (rl): (various meanings depending on range)

// 0       : practice
// 1-99    : number of laps...   laps  = rl
// 100-190 : 100 to 1000 laps... laps  = (rl - 100) * 10 + 100
// 191-238 : 1 to 48 hours...    hours = rl - 190

// =============

// All InSim packets use a four byte header

// Size: total packet size - a multiple of 4
// Type: packet identifier from the ISP_ enum (see below)
// ReqI: non zero if the packet is a packet request or a reply to a request
// Data: the first data byte

// Spare bytes and Zero bytes must be filled with ZERO

// ==================

// To initialise the InSim system, type into LFS: /insim xxxxx
// where xxxxx is the TCP and UDP port you want LFS to open.

// OR start LFS with the command line option: LFS /insim=xxxxx
// This will make LFS listen for packets on that TCP and UDP port.

// ======================

// TCP: Connect to LFS using a TCP connection, then send this packet:
// UDP: No connection required, just send this packet to LFS:

struct IS_ISI // InSim Init - packet to initialise the InSim system
	byte	Size;		// 44
	byte	Type;		// ISP_ISI
	byte	ReqI;		// If non-zero LFS will send an IS_VER packet
	byte	Zero;		// 0

	word	UDPPort;	// Port for UDP replies from LFS (0 to 65535)
	word	Flags;		// Bit flags for options (see below)

	byte	InSimVer;	// The INSIM_VERSION used by your program
	byte	Prefix;		// Special host message prefix character
	word	Interval;	// Time in ms between NLP or MCI (0 = none)

	char	Admin[16];	// Admin password (if set in LFS)
	char	IName[16];	// A short name for your program

// NOTE 1) UDPPort field when you connect using UDP:

// zero     : LFS sends all packets to the port of the incoming packet
// non-zero : LFS sends all packets to the specified UDPPort

// NOTE 2) UDPPort field when you connect using TCP:

// zero     : LFS sends NLP / MCI packets using your TCP connection
// non-zero : LFS sends NLP / MCI packets to the specified UDPPort

// NOTE 3) Flags field (set the relevant bits to turn on the option):

#define ISF_RES_0		   1	// bit  0: spare
#define ISF_RES_1		   2	// bit  1: spare
#define ISF_LOCAL		   4	// bit  2: guest or single player
#define ISF_MSO_COLS	   8	// bit  3: keep colours in MSO text
#define ISF_NLP			  16	// bit  4: receive NLP packets
#define ISF_MCI			  32	// bit  5: receive MCI packets
#define ISF_CON			  64	// bit  6: receive CON packets
#define ISF_OBH			 128	// bit  7: receive OBH packets
#define ISF_HLV			 256	// bit  8: receive HLV packets
#define ISF_AXM_LOAD	 512	// bit  9: receive AXM when loading a layout
#define ISF_AXM_EDIT	1024	// bit 10: receive AXM when changing objects
#define ISF_REQ_JOIN	2048	// bit 11: process join requests

// In most cases you should not set both ISF_NLP and ISF_MCI flags
// because all IS_NLP information is included in the IS_MCI packet.

// The ISF_LOCAL flag is important if your program creates buttons.
// It should be set if your program is not a host control system.
// If set, then buttons are created in the local button area, so
// avoiding conflict with the host buttons and allowing the user
// to switch them with SHIFT+B rather than SHIFT+I.

// NOTE 4) InSimVer field:

// Provide the INSIM_VERSION that your program was designed for.
// Later LFS versions will try to retain backward compatibility
// if it can be provided, within reason.  Not guaranteed.

// NOTE 5) Prefix field, if set when initialising InSim on a host:

// Messages typed with this prefix will be sent to your InSim program
// on the host (in IS_MSO) and not displayed on anyone's screen.

// =============================

enum // the second byte of any packet is one of these
	ISP_NONE,		//  0					: not used
	ISP_ISI,		//  1 - instruction		: insim initialise
	ISP_VER,		//  2 - info			: version info
	ISP_TINY,		//  3 - both ways		: multi purpose
	ISP_SMALL,		//  4 - both ways		: multi purpose
	ISP_STA,		//  5 - info			: state info
	ISP_SCH,		//  6 - instruction		: single character
	ISP_SFP,		//  7 - instruction		: state flags pack
	ISP_SCC,		//  8 - instruction		: set car camera
	ISP_CPP,		//  9 - both ways		: cam pos pack
	ISP_ISM,		// 10 - info			: start multiplayer
	ISP_MSO,		// 11 - info			: message out
	ISP_III,		// 12 - info			: hidden /i message
	ISP_MST,		// 13 - instruction		: type message or /command
	ISP_MTC,		// 14 - instruction		: message to a connection
	ISP_MOD,		// 15 - instruction		: set screen mode
	ISP_VTN,		// 16 - info			: vote notification
	ISP_RST,		// 17 - info			: race start
	ISP_NCN,		// 18 - info			: new connection
	ISP_CNL,		// 19 - info			: connection left
	ISP_CPR,		// 20 - info			: connection renamed
	ISP_NPL,		// 21 - info			: new player (joined race)
	ISP_PLP,		// 22 - info			: player pit (keeps slot in race)
	ISP_PLL,		// 23 - info			: player leave (spectate - loses slot)
	ISP_LAP,		// 24 - info			: lap time
	ISP_SPX,		// 25 - info			: split x time
	ISP_PIT,		// 26 - info			: pit stop start
	ISP_PSF,		// 27 - info			: pit stop finish
	ISP_PLA,		// 28 - info			: pit lane enter / leave
	ISP_CCH,		// 29 - info			: camera changed
	ISP_PEN,		// 30 - info			: penalty given or cleared
	ISP_TOC,		// 31 - info			: take over car
	ISP_FLG,		// 32 - info			: flag (yellow or blue)
	ISP_PFL,		// 33 - info			: player flags (help flags)
	ISP_FIN,		// 34 - info			: finished race
	ISP_RES,		// 35 - info			: result confirmed
	ISP_REO,		// 36 - both ways		: reorder (info or instruction)
	ISP_NLP,		// 37 - info			: node and lap packet
	ISP_MCI,		// 38 - info			: multi car info
	ISP_MSX,		// 39 - instruction		: type message
	ISP_MSL,		// 40 - instruction		: message to local computer
	ISP_CRS,		// 41 - info			: car reset
	ISP_BFN,		// 42 - both ways		: delete buttons / receive button requests
	ISP_AXI,		// 43 - info			: autocross layout information
	ISP_AXO,		// 44 - info			: hit an autocross object
	ISP_BTN,		// 45 - instruction		: show a button on local or remote screen
	ISP_BTC,		// 46 - info			: sent when a user clicks a button
	ISP_BTT,		// 47 - info			: sent after typing into a button
	ISP_RIP,		// 48 - both ways		: replay information packet
	ISP_SSH,		// 49 - both ways		: screenshot
	ISP_CON,		// 50 - info			: contact between cars (collision report)
	ISP_OBH,		// 51 - info			: contact car + object (collision report)
	ISP_HLV,		// 52 - info			: report incidents that would violate HLVC
	ISP_PLC,		// 53 - instruction		: player cars
	ISP_AXM,		// 54 - both ways		: autocross multiple objects
	ISP_ACR,		// 55 - info			: admin command report
	ISP_HCP,		// 56 - instruction		: car handicaps
	ISP_NCI,		// 57 - info			: new connection - extra info for host
	ISP_JRR,		// 58 - instruction		: reply to a join request (allow / disallow)
	ISP_UCO,		// 59 - info			: report InSim checkpoint / InSim circle
	ISP_OCO,		// 60 - instruction		: object control (currently used for lights)
	ISP_TTC,		// 61 - instruction		: multi purpose - target to connection
	ISP_SLC,		// 62 - info			: connection selected a car
	ISP_CSC,		// 63 - info			: car state changed
	ISP_CIM,		// 64 - info			: connection's interface mode
	ISP_MAL,		// 65 - both ways		: set mods allowed
	ISP_PLH,		// 66 - both ways		: set player handicaps

enum // the fourth byte of an IS_TINY packet is one of these
	TINY_NONE,		//  0 - keep alive		: see "maintaining the connection"
	TINY_VER,		//  1 - info request	: get version
	TINY_CLOSE,		//  2 - instruction		: close insim
	TINY_PING,		//  3 - ping request	: external progam requesting a reply
	TINY_REPLY,		//  4 - ping reply		: reply to a ping request
	TINY_VTC,		//  5 - both ways		: game vote cancel (info or request)
	TINY_SCP,		//  6 - info request	: send camera pos
	TINY_SST,		//  7 - info request	: send state info
	TINY_GTH,		//  8 - info request	: get time in hundredths (i.e. SMALL_RTP)
	TINY_MPE,		//  9 - info			: multi player end
	TINY_ISM,		// 10 - info request	: get multiplayer info (i.e. ISP_ISM)
	TINY_REN,		// 11 - info			: race end (return to race setup screen)
	TINY_CLR,		// 12 - info			: all players cleared from race
	TINY_NCN,		// 13 - info request	: get NCN for all connections
	TINY_NPL,		// 14 - info request	: get all players
	TINY_RES,		// 15 - info request	: get all results
	TINY_NLP,		// 16 - info request	: send an IS_NLP
	TINY_MCI,		// 17 - info request	: send an IS_MCI
	TINY_REO,		// 18 - info request	: send an IS_REO
	TINY_RST,		// 19 - info request	: send an IS_RST
	TINY_AXI,		// 20 - info request	: send an IS_AXI - AutoX Info
	TINY_AXC,		// 21 - info			: autocross cleared
	TINY_RIP,		// 22 - info request	: send an IS_RIP - Replay Information Packet
	TINY_NCI,		// 23 - info request	: get NCI for all guests (on host only)
	TINY_ALC,		// 24 - info request	: send a SMALL_ALC (allowed cars)
	TINY_AXM,		// 25 - info request	: send IS_AXM packets for the entire layout
	TINY_SLC,		// 26 - info request	: send IS_SLC packets for all connections
	TINY_MAL,		// 27 - info request	: send IS_MAL listing the currently allowed mods
	TINY_PLH,		// 28 - info request	: send IS_PLH listing player handicaps

enum // the fourth byte of an IS_SMALL packet is one of these
	SMALL_NONE,		//  0					: not used
	SMALL_SSP,		//  1 - instruction		: start sending positions
	SMALL_SSG,		//  2 - instruction		: start sending gauges
	SMALL_VTA,		//  3 - report			: vote action
	SMALL_TMS,		//  4 - instruction		: time stop
	SMALL_STP,		//  5 - instruction		: time step
	SMALL_RTP,		//  6 - info			: race time packet (reply to GTH)
	SMALL_NLI,		//  7 - instruction		: set node lap interval
	SMALL_ALC,		//  8 - both ways		: set or get allowed cars (TINY_ALC)
	SMALL_LCS,		//  9 - instruction		: set local car switches (flash, horn, siren)
	SMALL_LCL,		// 10 - instruction		: set local car lights

enum // the fourth byte of an IS_TTC packet is one of these
	TTC_NONE,		//  0					: not used
	TTC_SEL,		//  1 - info request	: send IS_AXM for a layout editor selection
	TTC_SEL_START,	//  2 - info request	: send IS_AXM every time the selection changes
	TTC_SEL_STOP,	//  3 - instruction		: switch off IS_AXM requested by TTC_SEL_START

// GENERAL PURPOSE PACKETS - IS_TINY (4 bytes) / IS_SMALL (8 bytes) / IS_TTC (8 bytes)
// =======================

// To avoid defining several packet structures that are exactly the same, and to avoid
// wasting the ISP_ enumeration, IS_TINY is used at various times when no additional data
// other than SubT is required.  IS_SMALL is used when an additional integer is needed.


struct IS_TINY // General purpose 4 byte packet
	byte	Size;		// 4
	byte	Type;		// ISP_TINY
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless it is an info request or a reply to an info request
	byte	SubT;		// subtype, from TINY_ enumeration (e.g. TINY_RACE_END)


struct IS_SMALL // General purpose 8 byte packet
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_SMALL
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless it is an info request or a reply to an info request
	byte	SubT;		// subtype, from SMALL_ enumeration (e.g. SMALL_SSP)

	unsigned	UVal;	// value (e.g. for SMALL_SSP this would be the OutSim packet rate)


struct IS_TTC // General purpose 8 byte packet (Target To Connection)
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_TTC
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless it is an info request or a reply to an info request
	byte	SubT;		// subtype, from TTC_ enumeration (e.g. TTC_SEL)

	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = local)
	byte	B1;			// B1, B2, B3 may be used in various ways depending on SubT
	byte	B2;
	byte	B3;

// ===============

// It is advisable to request version information as soon as you have connected, to
// avoid problems when connecting to a host with a later or earlier version.  You will
// be sent a version packet on connection if you set ReqI in the IS_ISI packet.

// This version packet is sent on request:

struct IS_VER // VERsion
	byte	Size;			// 20
	byte	Type;			// ISP_VERSION
	byte	ReqI;			// ReqI as received in the request packet
	byte	Zero;

	char	Version[8];		// LFS version, e.g. 0.3G
	char	Product[6];		// Product: DEMO / S1 / S2 / S3
	byte	InSimVer;		// InSim version (see below)
	byte	Spare;			// Spare

// To request an IS_VER packet at any time, send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_VER		(request an IS_VER)

// NOTE: LFS tries to match InSimVer with the version requested in your program's IS_ISI
// packet if it is lower than the latest version known to LFS.  If backward compatibility
// is no longer possible then this version may be higher than your program requested.
// In that case your program may not be able to read some packets sent to it by LFS.
// If you connect to an older LFS version then InSimVer may be lower than requested.

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_PING		(request a TINY_REPLY)

// =============

// You can send this IS_TINY to close the InSim connection to your program:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_CLOSE	(close this connection)

// Another InSimInit packet is then required to start operating again.

// You can shut down InSim completely and stop it listening at all by typing /insim=0
// into LFS (or send a MsgTypePack to do the same thing).

// ==========================

// If InSim does not receive a packet for 70 seconds, it will close your connection.
// To open it again you would need to send another InSimInit packet.

// LFS will send a blank IS_TINY packet like this every 30 seconds:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_NONE		(keep alive packet)

// You should reply with a blank IS_TINY packet:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_NONE		(has no effect other than resetting the timeout)

// NOTE: If you want to request a reply from LFS to check the connection
// at any time, you can send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_PING		(request a TINY_REPLY)

// LFS will reply with this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(as received in the request packet)
// SubT: TINY_REPLY	(reply to ping)

// ============================

// LFS will send an IS_STA any time the info in it changes.

struct IS_STA // STAte
	byte	Size;			// 28
	byte	Type;			// ISP_STA
	byte	ReqI;			// ReqI if replying to a request packet
	byte	Zero;

	float	ReplaySpeed;	// 4-byte float - 1.0 is normal speed

	word	Flags;			// ISS state flags (see below)
	byte	InGameCam;		// Which type of camera is selected (see below)
	byte	ViewPLID;		// Unique ID of viewed player (0 = none)

	byte	NumP;			// Number of players in race
	byte	NumConns;		// Number of connections including host
	byte	NumFinished;	// Number finished or qualified
	byte	RaceInProg;		// 0 = no race / 1 = race / 2 = qualifying

	byte	QualMins;
	byte	RaceLaps;		// see "RaceLaps" near the top of this document
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	ServerStatus;	// 0 = unknown / 1 = success / > 1 = fail

	char	Track[6];		// short name for track e.g. FE2R
	byte	Weather;		// 0,1,2...
	byte	Wind;			// 0 = off / 1 = weak / 2 = strong

// InGameCam is the in game selected camera mode (which is
// still selected even if LFS is actually in SHIFT+U mode).
// For InGameCam's values, see "View identifiers" below.

// ISS state flags

#define ISS_GAME			1		// in game (or MPR)
#define ISS_REPLAY			2		// in SPR
#define ISS_PAUSED			4		// paused
#define ISS_SHIFTU			8		// SHIFT+U mode
#define ISS_DIALOG			16		// in a dialog
#define ISS_SHIFTU_FOLLOW	32		// FOLLOW view
#define ISS_SHIFTU_NO_OPT	64		// SHIFT+U buttons hidden
#define ISS_SHOW_2D			128		// showing 2d display
#define ISS_FRONT_END		256		// entry screen
#define ISS_MULTI			512		// multiplayer mode
#define ISS_MPSPEEDUP		1024	// multiplayer speedup option
#define ISS_WINDOWED		2048	// LFS is running in a window
#define ISS_SOUND_MUTE		4096	// sound is switched off
#define ISS_VIEW_OVERRIDE	8192	// override user view
#define ISS_VISIBLE			16384	// InSim buttons visible
#define ISS_TEXT_ENTRY		32768	// in a text entry dialog

// To request an IS_STA at any time, send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_SST		(Send STate)

// Setting states

// These states can be set by a special packet:

// ISS_SHIFTU_NO_OPT	- SHIFT+U buttons hidden
// ISS_SHOW_2D			- showing 2d display
// ISS_MPSPEEDUP		- multiplayer speedup option
// ISS_SOUND_MUTE		- sound is switched off

struct IS_SFP // State Flags Pack
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_SFP
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	word	Flag;		// the state to set
	byte	OffOn;		// 0 = off / 1 = on
	byte	Sp3;		// spare

// Other states must be set by using keypresses or messages (see below)

// ===========

// You can send this packet to LFS to set the screen mode:

struct IS_MOD // MODe: send to LFS to change screen mode
	byte	Size;		// 20
	byte	Type;		// ISP_MOD
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	int		Bits16;		// set to choose 16-bit
	int		RR;			// refresh rate - zero for default
	int		Width;		// 0 means go to window
	int		Height;		// 0 means go to window

// The refresh rate actually selected by LFS will be the highest available rate
// that is less than or equal to the specified refresh rate.  Refresh rate can
// be specified as zero in which case the default refresh rate will be used.

// If Width and Height are both zero, LFS will switch to windowed mode.

// ==============================

// You can send 64-byte text messages to LFS as if the user had typed them in.
// Messages that appear on LFS screen (up to 128 bytes) are reported to the
// external program.  You can also send simulated keypresses to LFS.

// ------------

struct IS_MSO // MSg Out - system messages and user messages - variable size
	byte	Size;		// 12, 16, 20... 136 depending on Msg
	byte	Type;		// ISP_MSO
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = host)
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id (if zero, use UCID)
	byte	UserType;	// set if typed by a user (see User Values below) 
	byte	TextStart;	// first character of the actual text (after player name)

	char	Msg[128];	// 4, 8, 12... 128 characters - last byte is zero

// User Values (for UserType byte)

	MSO_SYSTEM,			// 0 - system message
	MSO_USER,			// 1 - normal visible user message
	MSO_PREFIX,			// 2 - hidden message starting with special prefix (see ISI)
	MSO_O,				// 3 - hidden message typed on local pc with /o command

// NOTE: Typing "/o MESSAGE" into LFS will send an IS_MSO with UserType = MSO_O

struct IS_III // InsIm Info - /i message from user to host's InSim - variable size
	byte	Size;		// 12, 16, 20... 72 depending on Msg
	byte	Type;		// ISP_III
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = host)
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id (if zero, use UCID)
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	char	Msg[64];	// 4, 8, 12... 64 characters - last byte is zero

struct IS_ACR // Admin Command Report - a user typed an admin command - variable size
	byte	Size;		// 12, 16, 20... 72 depending on Text
	byte	Type;		// ISP_ACR
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = host)
	byte	Admin;		// set if user is an admin
	byte	Result;		// 1 - processed / 2 - rejected / 3 - unknown command
	byte	Sp3;

	char	Text[64];	// 4, 8, 12... 64 characters - last byte is zero

// -----------

struct IS_MST // MSg Type - send to LFS to type message or command
	byte	Size;		// 68
	byte	Type;		// ISP_MST
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	char	Msg[64];	// last byte must be zero

struct IS_MSX // MSg eXtended - like MST but longer (not for commands)
	byte	Size;		// 100
	byte	Type;		// ISP_MSX
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	char	Msg[96];	// last byte must be zero

struct IS_MSL // MSg Local - message to appear on local computer only
	byte	Size;		// 132
	byte	Type;		// ISP_MSL
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Sound;		// sound effect (see Message Sounds below)

	char	Msg[128];	// last byte must be zero

struct IS_MTC // Msg To Connection - hosts only - send to a connection / a player / all
	byte	Size;		// 8 + TEXT_SIZE (TEXT_SIZE = 4, 8, 12... 128)
	byte	Type;		// ISP_MTC
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Sound;		// sound effect (see Message Sounds below)

	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = host / 255 = all)
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id (if zero, use UCID)
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

//	char	Text[TEXT_SIZE]; // up to 128 characters of text - last byte must be zero

// Message Sounds (for Sound byte)


// You can send individual key presses to LFS with the IS_SCH packet.
// For standard keys (e.g. V and H) you should send a capital letter.
// This does not work with some keys like F keys, arrows or CTRL keys.
// You can also use IS_MST with the /press /shift /ctrl /alt commands.

struct IS_SCH // Single CHaracter
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_SCH
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	byte	CharB;		// key to press
	byte	Flags;		// bit 0: SHIFT / bit 1: CTRL
	byte	Spare2;
	byte	Spare3;

// ============

// To operate the local car's flash, horn or siren you can send this IS_SMALL:

// NOTE: SIGNALS and HEADLIGHTS should now be set using SMALL_LCL (see CAR LIGHTS below)
// LCS_SET_SIGNALS and LCS_SET_HEADLIGHTS have been left in SMALL_LCS for compatibility

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_LCS		(Local Car Switches)
// UVal: Switches		(see below)

// Switches bits

// Bits 0 to 7 are a set of flags specifying which values to set.  You can set as many
// as you like at a time.  This allows you to set only the values you want to set
// while leaving the others to be controlled by the user.

#define LCS_SET_SIGNALS		1		// bit 0 (should now use SMALL_LCL)
#define LCS_SET_FLASH		2		// bit 1
#define LCS_SET_HEADLIGHTS	4		// bit 2 (should now use SMALL_LCL)
#define LCS_SET_HORN		8		// bit 3
#define LCS_SET_SIREN		0x10	// bit 4

// Depending on the above values, InSim will read some of the following values and try
// to set them as required, if a real player is found on the local computer.

// bits 8-9   (Switches & 0x0300) - Signal    (0 off / 1 left / 2 right / 3 hazard)
// bit  10    (Switches & 0x0400) - Flash
// bit	11    (Switches & 0x0800) - Headlights

// bits 16-18 (Switches & 0x070000) - Horn    (0 off / 1 to 5 horn type)
// bits 20-21 (Switches & 0x300000) - Siren   (0 off / 1 fast / 2 slow)

// ==========

// To operate the local car's lights you can send this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_LCL		(Local Car Lights)
// UVal: Switches		(see below)

// Switches bits

// Bits 0 to 7 are a set of flags specifying which values to set.  You can set as many
// as you like at a time.  This allows you to set only the values you want to set
// while leaving the others to be controlled by the user.

#define LCL_SET_SIGNALS		1		// bit 0
#define LCL_SPARE_2			2		// bit 1 (do not set)
#define LCL_SET_LIGHTS		4		// bit 2
#define LCL_SPARE_8			8		// bit 3 (do not set)
#define LCL_SET_FOG_REAR	0x10	// bit 4
#define LCL_SET_FOG_FRONT	0x20	// bit 5
#define LCL_SET_EXTRA		0x40	// bit 6

// Depending on the above values, InSim will read some of the following values and try
// to set them as required, if a real player is found on the local computer.

// bits 16-17 (Switches & 0x00030000) - Signal    (0 off / 1 left / 2 right / 3 hazard)
// bit  18-19 (Switches & 0x000c0000) - Lights    (0 off / 1 side / 2 low / 3 high)
// bit  20    (Switches & 0x00100000) - Fog Rear
// bit  21    (Switches & 0x00200000) - Fog Front
// bit  22    (Switches & 0x00400000) - Extra Light

// ========================

// LFS will send this packet when a host is started or joined:

struct IS_ISM // InSim Multi
	byte	Size;		// 40
	byte	Type;		// ISP_ISM
	byte	ReqI;		// usually 0 / or if a reply: ReqI as received in the TINY_ISM
	byte	Zero;

	byte	Host;		// 0 = guest / 1 = host
	byte	Sp1;
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	char	HName[32];	// the name of the host joined or started

// On ending or leaving a host, LFS will send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_MPE		(MultiPlayerEnd)

// To request an IS_ISM packet at any time, send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_ISM		(request an IS_ISM)

// NOTE: If LFS is not in multiplayer mode, the host name in the ISM will be empty.

// ======================

// LFS notifies the external program of any votes to restart or qualify

// The Vote Actions are defined as:

	VOTE_NONE,			// 0 - no vote
	VOTE_END,			// 1 - end race
	VOTE_RESTART,		// 2 - restart
	VOTE_QUALIFY,		// 3 - qualify

struct IS_VTN // VoTe Notify
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_VTN
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id
	byte	Action;		// VOTE_X (Vote Action as defined above)
	byte	Spare2;
	byte	Spare3;

// When a vote is cancelled, LFS sends this IS_TINY

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_VTC		(VoTe Cancelled)

// When a vote is completed, LFS sends this IS_SMALL

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_VTA  	(VoTe Action)
// UVal: action 		(VOTE_X - Vote Action as defined above)

// You can instruct LFS host to cancel a vote using an IS_TINY

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_VTC		(VoTe Cancel)

// ============

// To set the allowed cars on the host (like /cars command) you can send this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_ALC		(ALlowed Cars)
// UVal: Cars			(see below)

// To find out the allowed cars at any time (on guest or host) send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_ALC		(request a SMALL_ALC)

// LFS will reply with this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: non-zero		(as received in the request packet)
// SubT: SMALL_ALC		(ALlowed Cars)
// UVal: Cars			(see below)

// You can send a packet to limit the cars that can be used by a given connection
// The resulting set of selectable cars is a subset of the cars set to be available
// on the host (by the /cars command or SMALL_ALC)

// For example:
// Cars = 0          ... no cars can be selected on the specified connection
// Cars = 0xffffffff ... all the host's available cars can be selected

struct IS_PLC // PLayer Cars
	byte	Size;		// 12
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PLC
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = host / 255 = all)
	byte	Sp1;
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	unsigned	Cars;	// allowed cars - see below

// XF GTI			-       1
// XR GT			-       2
// XR GT TURBO		-       4
// RB4 GT			-       8
// FXO TURBO		-    0x10
// LX4				-    0x20
// LX6				-    0x40
// MRT5				-    0x80
// UF 1000			-   0x100
// RACEABOUT		-   0x200
// FZ50				-   0x400
// FORMULA XR		-   0x800
// XF GTR			-  0x1000
// UF GTR			-  0x2000
// FORMULA V8		-  0x4000
// FXO GTR			-  0x8000
// XR GTR			- 0x10000
// FZ50 GTR			- 0x20000
// BMW SAUBER F1.06	- 0x40000
// FORMULA BMW FB02	- 0x80000

// =========

// You can send a packet to add mass and restrict the intake on each car model
// The same restriction applies to all drivers using a particular car model
// This can be useful for creating multi class hosts

struct CarHCP // Car handicaps in 2 bytes - there is an array of these in the HCP (below)
	byte	H_Mass;		// 0 to 200 - added mass (kg)
	byte	H_TRes;		// 0 to  50 - intake restriction

struct IS_HCP // HandiCaPs
	byte	Size;		// 68
	byte	Type;		// ISP_HCP
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	CarHCP	Info[32];	// H_Mass and H_TRes for each car: XF GTI = 0 / XR GT = 1 etc

// Alternatively you can set handicaps per player.  These handicaps will remain until
// the player spectates or rejoins after returning from pits or garage (an IS_NPL will
// be sent in that case).

// An output IS_PLH is sent to all InSim clients after an IS_PLH is received.  The output IS_PLH
// contains an entry for all valid players that had handicaps updated.  An IS_PLH is also output
// when a handicap is set by a text command /h_mass username X or /h_tres username X
// NOTE: The 'silent' flag in bit 7 (0x80) avoids showing a message on player's screen.

struct PlayerHCap // Player handicaps in 4 bytes - there is an array of these in the PLH (below)
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id
	byte	Flags;		// bit 0: set Mass / bit 1: set TRes (e.g. Flags=3 to set both) / bit 7: silent
	byte	H_Mass;		// 0 to 200 - added mass (kg)
	byte	H_TRes;		// 0 to  50 - intake restriction

const int PLH_MAX_PLAYERS = 40; // NOTE: Increase if MAX_CARS_S2 is increased

struct IS_PLH // PLayer Handicaps - variable size
	byte	Size;		// 4 + NumP * 4
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PLH
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to a TINY_PLH request
	byte	NumP;		// number of players in this packet

	PlayerHCap	HCaps	[PLH_MAX_PLAYERS]; // 0 to PLH_MAX_PLAYERS (NumP)

// =============

// In LFS there is a list of connections AND a list of players in the race
// Some packets are related to connections, some players, some both

// If you are making a multiplayer InSim program, you must maintain two lists
// You should use the unique identifier UCID to identify a connection

// Each player has a unique identifier PLID from the moment he joins the race, until he
// leaves.  It's not possible for PLID and UCID to be the same thing, for two reasons:

// 1) there may be more than one player per connection if AI drivers are used
// 2) a player can swap between connections, in the case of a driver swap (IS_TOC)

// When all players are cleared from race (e.g. /clear) LFS sends this IS_TINY

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_CLR		(CLear Race)

// When a race ends (return to race setup screen) LFS sends this IS_TINY

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_REN		(Race ENd)

// You can instruct LFS host to cancel a vote using an IS_TINY

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_VTC		(VoTe Cancel)

// The following packets are sent when the relevant events take place:

struct IS_RST // Race STart
	byte	Size;		// 28
	byte	Type;		// ISP_RST
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_RST request
	byte	Zero;

	byte	RaceLaps;	// 0 if qualifying
	byte	QualMins;	// 0 if race
	byte	NumP;		// number of players in race
	byte	Timing;		// lap timing (see below)

	char	Track[6];	// short track name
	byte	Weather;
	byte	Wind;

	word	Flags;		// race flags (must pit, can reset, etc - see below)
	word	NumNodes;	// total number of nodes in the path
	word	Finish;		// node index - finish line
	word	Split1;		// node index - split 1
	word	Split2;		// node index - split 2
	word	Split3;		// node index - split 3

// Lap timing info (for Timing byte)

// bits 6 and 7 (Timing & 0xc0):

// 0x40: standard lap timing is being used
// 0x80: custom timing - user checkpoints have been placed
// 0xc0: no lap timing - e.g. open config with no user checkpoints

// bits 0 and 1 (Timing & 0x03): number of checkpoints if lap timing is enabled

// To request an IS_RST packet at any time, send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_RST		(request an IS_RST)

struct IS_NCN // New ConN
	byte	Size;		// 56
	byte	Type;		// ISP_NCN
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to a TINY_NCN request
	byte	UCID;		// new connection's unique id (0 = host)

	char	UName[24];	// username
	char	PName[24];	// nickname

	byte	Admin;		// 1 if admin
	byte	Total;		// number of connections including host
	byte	Flags;		// bit 2: remote
	byte	Sp3;

struct IS_NCI // New Conn Info - sent on host only if an admin password has been set
	byte	Size;		// 16
	byte	Type;		// ISP_NCI
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to a TINY_NCI request
	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = host)

	byte	Language;	// see below: Languages
	byte	License;	// 0:demo / 1:S1 ...
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	unsigned	UserID;		// LFS UserID
	unsigned	IPAddress;

struct IS_SLC // SeLected Car - sent when a connection selects a car (empty if no car)
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_SLC
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to a TINY_SLC request
	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = host)

	char	CName[4];	// car name

// NOTE: If a new guest joins and does have a car selected then an IS_SLC will be sent

// Allowed Mods

// You can set a list of up to 120 mods that are allowed to be used on a host
// Send zero to clear the list and allow all mods to be used

const int MAL_MAX_MODS = 120;

struct IS_MAL // Mods ALlowed - variable size
	byte	Size;		// 8 + NumM * 4
	byte	Type;		// ISP_MAL
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to a TINY_MAL request
	byte	NumM;		// number of mods in this packet

	byte	UCID;		// unique id of the connection that updated the list
	byte	Flags;		// zero (for now)
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	unsigned	SkinID	[MAL_MAX_MODS]; // SkinID of each mod in compressed format, 0 to MAL_MAX_MODS (NumM)

struct IS_CIM // Conn Interface Mode
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_CIM
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id (0 = local)

	byte	Mode;		// mode identifier (see below)
	byte	SubMode;	// submode identifier (see below)
	byte	SelType;	// selected object type (see below)
	byte	Sp3;

// Mode identifiers

	CIM_NORMAL,				// 0 - not in a special mode
	CIM_OPTIONS,			// 1
	CIM_GARAGE,				// 3
	CIM_SHIFTU,				// 6 - free view mode

// Submode identifiers for CIM_NORMAL


// SubMode identifiers for CIM_GARAGE


// SubMode identifiers for CIM_SHIFTU

	FVM_PLAIN,				// no buttons displayed
	FVM_BUTTONS,			// buttons displayed (not editing)
	FVM_EDIT,				// edit mode

// SelType is the selected object type or zero if unselected
// It may be an AXO_x as in ObjectInfo or one of these:

const int MARSH_IS_CP		= 252; // insim checkpoint
const int MARSH_IS_AREA		= 253; // insim circle
const int MARSH_MARSHAL		= 254; // restricted area
const int MARSH_ROUTE		= 255; // route checker


struct IS_CNL // ConN Leave
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_CNL
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	UCID;		// unique id of the connection which left

	byte	Reason;		// leave reason (see below)
	byte	Total;		// number of connections including host
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

struct IS_CPR // Conn Player Rename
	byte	Size;		// 36
	byte	Type;		// ISP_CPR
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	UCID;		// unique id of the connection

	char	PName[24];	// new name
	char	Plate[8];	// number plate - NO ZERO AT END!

struct IS_NPL // New PLayer joining race (if PLID already exists, then leaving pits)
	byte	Size;		// 76
	byte	Type;		// ISP_NPL
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_NPL request
	byte	PLID;		// player's newly assigned unique id

	byte	UCID;		// connection's unique id
	byte	PType;		// bit 0: female / bit 1: AI / bit 2: remote
	word	Flags;		// player flags

	char	PName[24];	// nickname
	char	Plate[8];	// number plate - NO ZERO AT END!

	char	CName[4];	// car name
	char	SName[16];	// skin name - MAX_CAR_TEX_NAME
	byte	Tyres[4];	// compounds

	byte	H_Mass;		// added mass (kg)
	byte	H_TRes;		// intake restriction
	byte	Model;		// driver model
	byte	Pass;		// passengers byte

	byte	RWAdj;		// low 4 bits: tyre width reduction (rear)
	byte	FWAdj;		// low 4 bits: tyre width reduction (front)
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	byte	SetF;		// setup flags (see below)
	byte	NumP;		// number in race - ZERO if this is a join request
	byte	Config;		// configuration (see below)
	byte	Fuel;		// /showfuel yes: fuel percent / no: 255

// NOTE: PType bit 0 (female) is not reported on dedicated host as humans are not loaded
// You can use the driver model byte instead if required (and to force the use of helmets)

// Setup flags (for SetF byte)

#define SETF_TC_ENABLE		2
#define SETF_ABS_ENABLE		4

// Configuration (Config byte)

// UF1 / LX4 / LX6: 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = OPEN ROOF
// GTR racing cars: 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = ALTERNATE

// More...

struct IS_PLP // PLayer Pits (go to settings - stays in player list)
	byte	Size;		// 4
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PLP
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

struct IS_PLL // PLayer Leave race (spectate - removed from player list)
	byte	Size;		// 4
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PLL
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

struct IS_CRS // Car ReSet
	byte	Size;		// 4
	byte	Type;		// ISP_CRS
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

struct IS_LAP // LAP time
	byte	Size;		// 20
	byte	Type;		// ISP_LAP
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	unsigned	LTime;	// lap time (ms)
	unsigned	ETime;	// total time (ms)

	word	LapsDone;	// laps completed
	word	Flags;		// player flags

	byte	Sp0;
	byte	Penalty;	// current penalty value (see below)
	byte	NumStops;	// number of pit stops
	byte	Fuel200;	// /showfuel yes: double fuel percent / no: 255

struct IS_SPX // SPlit X time
	byte	Size;		// 16
	byte	Type;		// ISP_SPX
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	unsigned	STime;	// split time (ms)
	unsigned	ETime;	// total time (ms)

	byte	Split;		// split number 1, 2, 3
	byte	Penalty;	// current penalty value (see below)
	byte	NumStops;	// number of pit stops
	byte	Fuel200;	// /showfuel yes: double fuel percent / no: 255

struct IS_PIT // PIT stop (stop at pit garage)
	byte	Size;		// 24
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PIT
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	word	LapsDone;	// laps completed
	word	Flags;		// player flags

	byte	FuelAdd;	// /showfuel yes: fuel added percent / no: 255
	byte	Penalty;	// current penalty value (see below)
	byte	NumStops;	// number of pit stops
	byte	Sp3;

	byte	Tyres[4];	// tyres changed

	unsigned	Work;	// pit work
	unsigned	Spare;

struct IS_PSF // Pit Stop Finished
	byte	Size;		// 12
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PSF
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	unsigned	STime;	// stop time (ms)
	unsigned	Spare;

struct IS_PLA // Pit LAne
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PLA
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	byte	Fact;		// pit lane fact (see below)
	byte	Sp1;
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

// IS_CCH: Camera CHange

// To track cameras you need to consider 3 points

// 1) The default camera: VIEW_DRIVER
// 2) Player flags: CUSTOM_VIEW means VIEW_CUSTOM at start or pit exit
// 3) IS_CCH: sent when an existing driver changes camera

struct IS_CCH // Camera CHange
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_CCH
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	byte	Camera;		// view identifier (see below)
	byte	Sp1;
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

struct IS_PEN // PENalty (given or cleared)
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PEN
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	byte	OldPen;		// old penalty value (see below)
	byte	NewPen;		// new penalty value (see below)
	byte	Reason;		// penalty reason (see below)
	byte	Sp3;

struct IS_TOC // Take Over Car
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_TOC
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	byte	OldUCID;	// old connection's unique id
	byte	NewUCID;	// new connection's unique id
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

struct IS_FLG // FLaG (yellow or blue flag changed)
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_FLG
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	byte	OffOn;		// 0 = off / 1 = on
	byte	Flag;		// 1 = given blue / 2 = causing yellow
	byte	CarBehind;	// unique id of obstructed player
	byte	Sp3;

struct IS_PFL // Player FLags (help flags changed)
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_PFL
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	word	Flags;		// player flags (see below)
	word	Spare;

struct IS_FIN // FINished race notification (not a final result - use IS_RES)
	byte	Size;		// 20
	byte	Type;		// ISP_FIN
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id (0 = player left before result was sent)

	unsigned	TTime;	// race time (ms)
	unsigned	BTime;	// best lap (ms)

	byte	SpA;
	byte	NumStops;	// number of pit stops
	byte	Confirm;	// confirmation flags: disqualified etc - see below
	byte	SpB;

	word	LapsDone;	// laps completed
	word	Flags;		// player flags: help settings etc - see below

struct IS_RES // RESult (qualify or confirmed finish)
	byte	Size;		// 84
	byte	Type;		// ISP_RES
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to a TINY_RES request
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id (0 = player left before result was sent)

	char	UName[24];	// username
	char	PName[24];	// nickname
	char	Plate[8];	// number plate - NO ZERO AT END!
	char	CName[4];	// skin prefix

	unsigned	TTime;	// (ms) race or autocross: total time / qualify: session time
	unsigned	BTime;	// (ms) best lap

	byte	SpA;
	byte	NumStops;	// number of pit stops
	byte	Confirm;	// confirmation flags: disqualified etc - see below
	byte	SpB;

	word	LapsDone;	// laps completed
	word	Flags;		// player flags: help settings etc - see below

	byte	ResultNum;	// finish or qualify pos (0 = win / 255 = not added to table)
	byte	NumRes;		// total number of results (qualify doesn't always add a new one)
	word	PSeconds;	// penalty time in seconds (already included in race time)

// IS_REO: REOrder - this packet can be sent in either direction

// LFS sends one at the start of every race or qualifying session, listing the start order

// You can send one to LFS in two different ways, to specify the starting order:
// 1) In the race setup screen, to immediately rearrange the grid when the packet arrives
// 2) In game, just before a restart or exit, to specify the order on the restart or exit
// If you are sending an IS_REO in game, you should send it when you receive the SMALL_VTA
// informing you that the Vote Action (VOTE_END / VOTE_RESTART / VOTE_QUALIFY) is about
// to take place.  Any IS_REO received before the SMALL_VTA is sent will be ignored.

struct IS_REO // REOrder (when race restarts after qualifying)
	byte	Size;		// 44
	byte	Type;		// ISP_REO
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_REO request
	byte	NumP;		// number of players in race

	byte	PLID[40];	// all PLIDs in new order

// To request an IS_REO packet at any time, send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_REO		(request an IS_REO)

// Pit Lane Facts

	PITLANE_EXIT,		// 0 - left pit lane
	PITLANE_ENTER,		// 1 - entered pit lane
	PITLANE_NO_PURPOSE,	// 2 - entered for no purpose
	PITLANE_DT,			// 3 - entered for drive-through
	PITLANE_SG,			// 4 - entered for stop-go

// Pit Work Flags

	PSE_NOTHING,		// bit 0 (1)
	PSE_STOP,			// bit 1 (2)
	PSE_FR_DAM,			// bit 2 (4)
	PSE_FR_WHL,			// etc...

// View identifiers

	VIEW_FOLLOW,	// 0 - arcade
	VIEW_HELI,		// 1 - helicopter
	VIEW_CAM,		// 2 - tv camera
	VIEW_DRIVER,	// 3 - cockpit
	VIEW_CUSTOM,	// 4 - custom

const int VIEW_ANOTHER = 255; // viewing another car

// Languages

	LFS_ENGLISH,				// 0
	LFS_DEUTSCH,				// 1
	LFS_FRENCH,					// 3
	LFS_SUOMI,					// 4
	LFS_NORSK,					// 5
	LFS_CATALAN,				// 7
	LFS_TURKISH,				// 8
	LFS_ITALIANO,				// 10
	LFS_DANSK,					// 11
	LFS_CZECH,					// 12
	LFS_RUSSIAN,				// 13
	LFS_ESTONIAN,				// 14
	LFS_SERBIAN,				// 15
	LFS_GREEK,					// 16
	LFS_POLSKI,					// 17
	LFS_CROATIAN,				// 18
	LFS_HUNGARIAN,				// 19
	LFS_BRAZILIAN,				// 20
	LFS_SWEDISH,				// 21
	LFS_SLOVAK,					// 22
	LFS_GALEGO,					// 23
	LFS_SLOVENSKI,				// 24
	LFS_LATVIAN,				// 26
	LFS_JAPANESE,				// 30
	LFS_KOREAN,					// 31
	LFS_BULGARIAN,				// 32
	LFS_LATINO,					// 33
	LFS_UKRAINIAN,				// 34
	LFS_ROMANIAN,				// 36
	LFS_NUM_LANG				// 37

// Leave reasons

	LEAVR_DISCO,		// 0 - none
	LEAVR_TIMEOUT,		// 1 - timed out
	LEAVR_LOSTCONN,		// 2 - lost connection
	LEAVR_KICKED,		// 3 - kicked
	LEAVR_BANNED,		// 4 - banned
	LEAVR_SECURITY,		// 5 - security
	LEAVR_CPW,			// 6 - cheat protection wrong
	LEAVR_OOS,			// 7 - out of sync with host
	LEAVR_JOOS,			// 8 - join OOS (initial sync failed)
	LEAVR_HACK,			// 9 - invalid packet

// Penalty values (VALID means the penalty can now be cleared)

	PENALTY_NONE,		// 0		
	PENALTY_DT,			// 1
	PENALTY_SG,			// 3
	PENALTY_30,			// 5
	PENALTY_45,			// 6

// Penalty reasons

	PENR_UNKNOWN,		// 0 - unknown or cleared penalty
	PENR_ADMIN,			// 1 - penalty given by admin
	PENR_WRONG_WAY,		// 2 - wrong way driving
	PENR_FALSE_START,	// 3 - starting before green light
	PENR_SPEEDING,		// 4 - speeding in pit lane
	PENR_STOP_SHORT,	// 5 - stop-go pit stop too short
	PENR_STOP_LATE,		// 6 - compulsory stop is too late

// Player flags

#define PIF_LEFTSIDE		1
#define PIF_RESERVED_2		2
#define PIF_RESERVED_4		4
#define PIF_AUTOGEARS		8
#define PIF_SHIFTER			16
#define PIF_RESERVED_32		32
#define PIF_HELP_B			64
#define PIF_AXIS_CLUTCH		128
#define PIF_INPITS			256
#define PIF_AUTOCLUTCH		512
#define PIF_MOUSE			1024
#define PIF_KB_NO_HELP		2048
#define PIF_KB_STABILISED	4096
#define PIF_CUSTOM_VIEW		8192

// Tyre compounds (4 byte order: rear L, rear R, front L, front R)

	TYRE_R1,			// 0
	TYRE_R2,			// 1
	TYRE_R3,			// 2
	TYRE_R4,			// 3

const int NOT_CHANGED = 255;

// Confirmation flags

#define CONF_PENALTY_DT		4
#define CONF_PENALTY_SG		8
#define CONF_PENALTY_30		16
#define CONF_PENALTY_45		32
#define CONF_DID_NOT_PIT	64


// Race flags

// HOSTF_FCV			256

// Passengers byte

// bit 0 front male
// bit 1 front female
// bit 2 rear left male
// bit 3 rear left female
// bit 4 rear middle male
// bit 5 rear middle female
// bit 6 rear right male
// bit 7 rear right female

// ========================

// To request players, connections, results or a single NLP or MCI, send an IS_TINY

// In each case, ReqI must be non-zero, and will be returned in the reply packet

// SubT: TINT_NCN - request all connections
// SubT: TINY_NPL - request all players
// SubT: TINY_RES - request all results
// SubT: TINY_NLP - request a single IS_NLP
// SubT: TINY_MCI - request a set of IS_MCI

// OBJECT INFO - for autocross objects - used in some packets and the layout file
// ===========

struct ObjectInfo // Info about a single object - explained in the layout file format
	short	X;
	short	Y;

	byte	Zbyte;
	byte	Flags;
	byte	Index;
	byte	Heading;

// JOIN REQUEST - allows external program to decide if a player can join
// ============

// Set the ISF_REQ_JOIN flag in the IS_ISI to receive join requests
// A join request is seen as an IS_NPL packet with ZERO in the NumP field
// An immediate response (e.g. within 1 second) is required using an IS_JRR packet

// In this case, PLID must be zero and JRRAction must be JRR_REJECT or JRR_SPAWN
// If you allow the join and it is successful you will then get a normal IS_NPL with NumP set
// You can also specify the start position of the car using the StartPos structure

// IS_JRR can also be used to move an existing car to a different location
// In this case, PLID must be set, JRRAction must be JRR_RESET or higher and StartPos must be set

struct IS_JRR // Join Request Reply - send one of these back to LFS in response to a join request
	byte	Size;		// 16
	byte	Type;		// ISP_JRR
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// ZERO when this is a reply to a join request - SET to move a car

	byte	UCID;		// set when this is a reply to a join request - ignored when moving a car
	byte	JRRAction;	// 1 - allow / 0 - reject (should send message to user)
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	ObjectInfo	StartPos; // 0: use default start point / Flags = 0x80: set start point

// To use default start point, StartPos should be filled with zero values

// To specify a start point, StartPos X, Y, Zbyte and Heading should be filled like an autocross
// start position, Flags should be 0x80 and Index should be zero

// Values for JRRAction byte


// =========

// When all objects are cleared from a layout, LFS sends this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: TINY_AXC		(AutoX Cleared)

// You can request information about the current layout with this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_AXI		(AutoX Info)

// The information will be sent back in this packet (also sent when a layout is loaded):

struct IS_AXI // AutoX Info
	byte	Size;		// 40
	byte	Type;		// ISP_AXI
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_AXI request
	byte	Zero;

	byte	AXStart;	// autocross start position
	byte	NumCP;		// number of checkpoints
	word	NumO;		// number of objects

	char	LName[32];	// the name of the layout last loaded (if loaded locally)

// On false start or wrong route / restricted area, an IS_PEN packet is sent:

// False start: OldPen = 0 / NewPen = PENALTY_30 / Reason = PENR_FALSE_START
// Wrong route: OldPen = 0 / NewPen = PENALTY_45 / Reason = PENR_WRONG_WAY

// If an autocross object is hit (2 second time penalty) this packet is sent:

struct IS_AXO // AutoX Object
	byte	Size;		// 4
	byte	Type;		// ISP_AXO
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

// CAR TRACKING - car position info sent at constant intervals
// ============

// IS_NLP - compact, all cars in 1 variable sized packet
// IS_MCI - detailed, max 16 cars per variable sized packet

// To receive IS_NLP or IS_MCI packets at a specified interval:

// 1) Set the Interval field in the IS_ISI (InSimInit) packet (10, 20, 30... 8000 ms)
// 2) Set one of the flags ISF_NLP or ISF_MCI in the IS_ISI packet

// If ISF_NLP flag is set, one IS_NLP packet is sent...

struct NodeLap // Car info in 6 bytes - there is an array of these in the NLP (below)
	word	Node;		// current path node
	word	Lap;		// current lap
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id
	byte	Position;	// current race position: 0 = unknown, 1 = leader, etc...

const int NLP_MAX_CARS = 40;

struct IS_NLP // Node and Lap Packet - variable size
	byte	Size;		// 4 + NumP * 6 (PLUS 2 if needed to make it a multiple of 4)
	byte	Type;		// ISP_NLP
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_NLP request
	byte	NumP;		// number of players in race

	NodeLap	Info[NLP_MAX_CARS];	// node and lap of each player, 1 to NLP_MAX_CARS (NumP)

// If ISF_MCI flag is set, a set of IS_MCI packets is sent...

struct CompCar // Car info in 28 bytes - there is an array of these in the MCI (below)
	word	Node;		// current path node
	word	Lap;		// current lap
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id
	byte	Position;	// current race position: 0 = unknown, 1 = leader, etc...
	byte	Info;		// flags and other info - see below
	byte	Sp3;
	int		X;			// X map (65536 = 1 metre)
	int		Y;			// Y map (65536 = 1 metre)
	int		Z;			// Z alt (65536 = 1 metre)
	word	Speed;		// speed (32768 = 100 m/s)
	word	Direction;	// car's motion if Speed > 0: 0 = world y direction, 32768 = 180 deg
	word	Heading;	// direction of forward axis: 0 = world y direction, 32768 = 180 deg
	short	AngVel;		// signed, rate of change of heading: (16384 = 360 deg/s)

// NOTE 1) Info byte - the bits in this byte have the following meanings:

#define CCI_BLUE		1		// this car is in the way of a driver who is a lap ahead
#define CCI_YELLOW		2		// this car is slow or stopped and in a dangerous place

#define CCI_LAG			32		// this car is lagging (missing or delayed position packets)

#define CCI_FIRST		64		// this is the first compcar in this set of MCI packets
#define CCI_LAST		128		// this is the last compcar in this set of MCI packets

// NOTE 2) Heading : 0 = world y axis direction, 32768 = 180 degrees, anticlockwise from above
// NOTE 3) AngVel  : 0 = no change in heading,    8192 = 180 degrees per second anticlockwise

const int MCI_MAX_CARS = 16;

struct IS_MCI // Multi Car Info - if more than MCI_MAX_CARS in race then more than one is sent
	byte	Size;		// 4 + NumC * 28
	byte	Type;		// ISP_MCI
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_MCI request
	byte	NumC;		// number of valid CompCar structs in this packet

	CompCar	Info[MCI_MAX_CARS]; // car info for each player, 1 to MCI_MAX_CARS (NumC)

// You can change the rate of NLP or MCI after initialisation by sending this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_NLI		(Node Lap Interval)
// UVal: interval		(0 means stop, otherwise time interval: 40, 50, 60... 8000 ms)

// CONTACT - reports contacts between two cars if the closing speed is above 0.25 m/s
// =======

// Set the ISF_CON flag in the IS_ISI to receive car contact reports

struct CarContact // 16 bytes: one car in a contact - two of these in the IS_CON (below)
	byte	PLID;
	byte	Info;		// like Info byte in CompCar (CCI_BLUE / CCI_YELLOW / CCI_LAG)
	byte	Sp2;		// spare
	char	Steer;		// front wheel steer in degrees (right positive)
	byte	ThrBrk;		// high 4 bits: throttle    / low 4 bits: brake (0 to 15)
	byte	CluHan;		// high 4 bits: clutch      / low 4 bits: handbrake (0 to 15)
	byte	GearSp;		// high 4 bits: gear (15=R) / low 4 bits: spare
	byte	Speed;		// m/s

	byte	Direction;	// car's motion if Speed > 0: 0 = world y direction, 128 = 180 deg
	byte	Heading;	// direction of forward axis: 0 = world y direction, 128 = 180 deg
	char	AccelF;		// m/s^2 longitudinal acceleration (forward positive)
	char	AccelR;		// m/s^2 lateral acceleration (right positive)

	short	X;			// position (1 metre = 16)
	short	Y;			// position (1 metre = 16)

struct IS_CON // CONtact - between two cars (A and B are sorted by PLID)
	byte	Size;		// 40
	byte	Type;		// ISP_CON
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	word	SpClose;	// high 4 bits: reserved / low 12 bits: closing speed (10 = 1 m/s)
	word	Time;		// looping time stamp (hundredths - time since reset - like TINY_GTH)

	CarContact	A;
	CarContact	B;

// Set the ISF_OBH flag in the IS_ISI to receive object contact reports

struct CarContOBJ // 8 bytes: car in a contact with an object
	byte	Direction;	// car's motion if Speed > 0: 0 = world y direction, 128 = 180 deg
	byte	Heading;	// direction of forward axis: 0 = world y direction, 128 = 180 deg
	byte	Speed;		// m/s
	byte	Zbyte;

	short	X;			// position (1 metre = 16)
	short	Y;			// position (1 metre = 16)

struct IS_OBH // OBject Hit - car hit an autocross object or an unknown object
	byte	Size;		// 24
	byte	Type;		// ISP_OBH
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	word	SpClose;	// high 4 bits: reserved / low 12 bits: closing speed (10 = 1 m/s)
	word	Time;		// looping time stamp (hundredths - time since reset - like TINY_GTH)

	CarContOBJ	C;

	short	X;			// as in ObjectInfo
	short	Y;			// as in ObjectInfo

	byte	Zbyte;		// if OBH_LAYOUT is set: Zbyte as in ObjectInfo
	byte	Sp1;
	byte	Index;		// AXO_x as in ObjectInfo or zero if it is an unknown object
	byte	OBHFlags;	// see below

// OBHFlags byte

#define OBH_LAYOUT		1		// an added object
#define OBH_CAN_MOVE	2		// a movable object
#define OBH_WAS_MOVING	4		// was moving before this hit
#define OBH_ON_SPOT		8		// object in original position

// Set the ISF_HLV flag in the IS_ISI to receive reports of incidents that would violate HLVC

struct IS_HLV // Hot Lap Validity - off track / hit wall / speeding in pits / out of bounds
	byte	Size;		// 16
	byte	Type;		// ISP_HLV
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	byte	HLVC;		// 0: ground / 1: wall / 4: speeding / 5: out of bounds
	byte	Sp1;
	word	Time;		// looping time stamp (hundredths - time since reset - like TINY_GTH)

	CarContOBJ	C;

// CONTROL - reports crossing an InSim checkpoint / entering an InSim circle (from layout)
// =======

struct IS_UCO // User Control Object
	byte	Size;		// 28
	byte	Type;		// ISP_UCO
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	byte	Sp0;
	byte	UCOAction;
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	unsigned	Time;	// hundredths of a second since start (as in SMALL_RTP)
	CarContOBJ	C;

	ObjectInfo	Info;	// Info about the checkpoint or circle (see below)

// UCOAction byte

	UCO_CIRCLE_ENTER,	// entered a circle
	UCO_CIRCLE_LEAVE,	// left a circle
	UCO_CP_FWD,			// crossed cp in forward direction
	UCO_CP_REV,			// crossed cp in reverse direction

// Identifying an InSim checkpoint from the ObjectInfo:

// Index is 252.  Checkpoint index (seen in the layout editor) is stored in Flags bits 0 and 1

// 00 = finish line
// 01 = 1st checkpoint
// 10 = 2nd checkpoint
// 11 = 3rd checkpoint

// Note that the checkpoint index has no meaning in LFS and is provided only for your convenience.
// If you use many InSim checkpoints you may need to identify them with the X and Y values.

// Identifying an InSim circle from the ObjectInfo:

// Index is 253.  The circle index (seen in the layout editor) is stored in the Heading byte.

struct IS_CSC // Car State Changed - reports a change in a car's state (currently start or stop)
	byte	Size;		// 20
	byte	Type;		// ISP_CSC
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	PLID;		// player's unique id

	byte	Sp0;
	byte	CSCAction;
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

	unsigned	Time;	// hundredths of a second since start (as in SMALL_RTP)

	CarContOBJ	C;

// CSCAction byte


// OBJECT CONTROL - currently used for switching start lights
// ==============

struct IS_OCO // Object COntrol
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_OCO
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	byte	OCOAction;	// see below
	byte	Index;		// see below
	byte	Identifier;	// identify particular start lights objects (0 to 63 or 255 = all)
	byte	Data;		// see below

// OCOAction byte

	OCO_ZERO,			// reserved
	OCO_1,				//
	OCO_2,				//
	OCO_3,				//
	OCO_LIGHTS_RESET,	// give up control of all lights
	OCO_LIGHTS_SET,		// use Data byte to set the bulbs
	OCO_LIGHTS_UNSET,	// give up control of the specified lights

// Index byte specifies which lights you want to override

// Currently the following values are supported:

// AXO_START_LIGHTS1	149 // layout
// AXO_START_LIGHTS2	150 // layout
// AXO_START_LIGHTS3	151 // layout
#define OCO_INDEX_MAIN	240 // main start lights

// Identifier byte can be used to override groups of temporary start lights

// It refers to the temporary lights identifier (0 to 63) seen in the layout editor

// Data byte specifies particular bulbs using the low 4 bits

// Bulb bit values for the currently available lights:


// bit 0 (1): red1		bit 0 (1): red
// bit 1 (2): red2		bit 1 (2): amber
// bit 2 (4): red3		-
// bit 3 (8): green		bit 3 (8): green

// AUTOCROSS OBJECTS - reporting / adding / removing
// =================

// Set the ISF_AXM_LOAD flag in the IS_ISI for info about objects when a layout is loaded.
// Set the ISF_AXM_EDIT flag in the IS_ISI for info about objects edited by user or InSim.

// You can also add or remove objects by sending IS_AXM packets.
// Some care must be taken with these - please read the notes below.

// You can also get (TTC_SEL) or set (PMO_SELECTION) the current editor selection.

const int AXM_MAX_OBJECTS = 60;

struct IS_AXM // AutoX Multiple objects - variable size
	byte	Size;		// 8 + NumO * 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_AXM
	byte	ReqI;		// 0 unless this is a reply to a TINY_AXM request
	byte	NumO;		// number of objects in this packet

	byte	UCID;		// unique id of the connection that sent the packet
	byte	PMOAction;	// see below
	byte	PMOFlags;	// see below
	byte	Sp3;

	ObjectInfo	Info[AXM_MAX_OBJECTS]; // info about each object, 0 to AXM_MAX_OBJECTS (NumO)

// Values for PMOAction byte

	PMO_LOADING_FILE,	// 0 - sent by the layout loading system only
	PMO_ADD_OBJECTS,	// 1 - adding objects (from InSim or editor)
	PMO_DEL_OBJECTS,	// 2 - delete objects (from InSim or editor)
	PMO_CLEAR_ALL,		// 3 - clear all objects (NumO must be zero)
	PMO_TINY_AXM,		// 4 - a reply to a TINY_AXM request
	PMO_TTC_SEL,		// 5 - a reply to a TTC_SEL request
	PMO_SELECTION,		// 6 - set a connection's layout editor selection
	PMO_POSITION,		// 7 - user pressed O without anything selected
	PMO_GET_Z,			// 8 - request Z values / reply with Z values

// Info about the PMOFlags byte

#define PMO_FILE_END			1
#define PMO_MOVE_MODIFY			2
#define PMO_AVOID_CHECK			8


// If PMO_FILE_END is set in a PMO_LOADING_FILE packet, LFS has reached the end of
// a layout file which it is loading.  The added objects will then be optimised.

// Optimised in this case means that static vertex buffers will be created for all
// objects, to greatly improve the frame rate.  The problem with this is that when
// there are many objects loaded, optimisation causes a significant glitch which can
// be long enough to cause a driver who is cornering to lose control and crash.

// PMO_FILE_END can also be set in an IS_AXM with PMOAction of PMO_ADD_OBJECTS.
// This causes all objects to be optimised.  It is important not to set PMO_FILE_END
// in every packet you send to add objects or you will cause severe glitches on the
// clients computers.  It is ok to have some objects on the track which are not
// optimised.  So if you have a few objects that are being removed and added
// occasionally, the best advice is not to request optimisation at all.  Only
// request optimisation (by setting PMO_FILE_END) if you have added so many objects
// that it is needed to improve the frame rate.

// NOTE 1) LFS makes sure that all objects are optimised when the race restarts.
// NOTE 2) In the 'more' section of SHIFT+U there is info about optimised objects.

// If you are using InSim to send many packets of objects (for example loading an
// entire layout through InSim) then you must take care of the bandwidth and buffer
// overflows.  You must not try to send all the objects at once.  It's probably good
// to use LFS's method of doing this: send the first packet of objects then wait for
// the corresponding IS_AXM that will be output when the packet is processed.  Then
// you can send the second packet and again wait for the IS_AXM and so on.


// When objects are moved or modified in the layout editor, two IS_AXM packets are
// sent.  A PMO_DEL_OBJECTS followed by a PMO_ADD_OBJECTS.  In this case the flag
// PMO_MOVE_MODIFY is set in the PMOFlags byte of both packets.


// If you send an IS_AXM with PMOAction of PMO_SELECTION it is possible for it to be
// either a selection of real objects (as if the user selected several objects while
// holding the CTRL key) or a clipboard selection (as if the user pressed CTRL+C after
// selecting objects).  Clipboard is the default selection mode.  A real selection can
// be set by using the PMO_SELECTION_REAL bit in the PMOFlags byte.


// If you send an IS_AXM with PMOAction of PMO_ADD_OBJECTS you may wish to set the
// UCID to one of the guest connections (for example if that user's action caused the
// objects to be added).  In this case some validity checks are done on the guest's
// computer which may report "invalid position" or "intersecting object" and delete
// the objects.  This can be avoided by setting the PMO_AVOID_CHECK bit.

// To request IS_AXM packets for all layout objects and circles send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_AXM		(request IS_AXM packets for the entire layout)

// LFS will send as many IS_AXM packets as needed to describe the whole layout.
// If there are no objects or circles, there will be one IS_AXM with zero NumO.
// The final IS_AXM packet will have the PMO_FILE_END flag set.

// To request an IS_AXM for a connection's layout editor selection send this IS_TTC:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TTC_SEL		(request an IS_AXM for the current selection)
// UCID: connection		(0 = local / non-zero = guest)

// An IS_AXM with PMO_POSITION is sent with a single object in the packet if a user
// presses O without any object type selected.  Information only - no object is added.
// The only valid values in Info are X, Y, Zbyte and Heading.

// PMO_GET_Z can be used to request the resulting Zbyte values for given X, Y, Zbyte
// positions listed in the IS_AXM.  A similar reply (information only) will be sent
// with adjusted Zbyte values.  Index and Heading are ignored and set to zero in the
// reply.  Flags is set to 0x80 if Zbyte was successfully adjusted, zero if not.
// Suggested input values for Zbyte are either 240 to get the highest point at X, Y
// or you may use the approximate altitude (see layout file format).

// CAR POSITION PACKETS (Initialising OutSim from InSim - See "OutSim" below)
// ====================

// To request Car Positions from the currently viewed car, send this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_SSP		(Start Sending Positions)
// UVal: interval		(time between updates - zero means stop sending)

// If OutSim has not been setup in cfg.txt, the SSP packet makes LFS send UDP packets
// if in game, using the OutSim system as documented near the end of this text file.

// You do not need to set any OutSim values in LFS cfg.txt - OutSim is fully
// initialised by the SSP packet.

// The OutSim packets will be sent to the UDP port specified in the InSimInit packet.

// NOTE: OutSim packets are not InSim packets and don't have a 4-byte header.

// DASHBOARD PACKETS (Initialising OutGauge from InSim - See "OutGauge" below)
// =================

// To request Dashboard Packets from the currently viewed car, send this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_SSG		(Start Sending Gauges)
// UVal: interval		(time between updates - zero means stop sending)

// If OutGauge has not been setup in cfg.txt, the SSG packet makes LFS send UDP packets
// if in game, using the OutGauge system as documented near the end of this text file.

// You do not need to set any OutGauge values in LFS cfg.txt - OutGauge is fully
// initialised by the SSG packet.

// The OutGauge packets will be sent to the UDP port specified in the InSimInit packet.

// NOTE: OutGauge packets are not InSim packets and don't have a 4-byte header.

// ==============

// IN GAME camera control
// ----------------------

// You can set the viewed car and selected camera directly with a special packet
// These are the states normally set in game by using the TAB and V keys

struct IS_SCC // Set Car Camera - Simplified camera packet (not SHIFT+U mode)
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_SCC
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	Zero;

	byte	ViewPLID;	// Unique ID of player to view
	byte	InGameCam;	// InGameCam (as reported in StatePack)
	byte	Sp2;
	byte	Sp3;

// NOTE: Set InGameCam or ViewPLID to 255 to leave that option unchanged.

// DIRECT camera control
// ---------------------

// A Camera Position Packet can be used for LFS to report a camera position and state.
// An InSim program can also send one to set LFS camera position in game or SHIFT+U mode.

// Type: "Vec": 3 ints (X, Y, Z) - 65536 means 1 metre

struct IS_CPP // Cam Pos Pack - Full camera packet (in car OR SHIFT+U mode)
	byte	Size;		// 32
	byte	Type;		// ISP_CPP
	byte	ReqI;		// instruction: 0 / or reply: ReqI as received in the TINY_SCP
	byte	Zero;

	Vec		Pos;		// Position vector

	word	H;			// heading - 0 points along Y axis
	word	P;			// pitch
	word	R;			// roll

	byte	ViewPLID;	// Unique ID of viewed player (0 = none)
	byte	InGameCam;	// InGameCam (as reported in StatePack)

	float	FOV;		// 4-byte float: FOV in degrees

	word	Time;		// Time in ms to get there (0 means instant)
	word	Flags;		// ISS state flags (see below)

// The ISS state flags that can be set are:

// ISS_SHIFTU			- in SHIFT+U mode
// ISS_VIEW_OVERRIDE	- override user view

// On receiving this packet, LFS will set up the camera to match the values in the packet,
// including switching into or out of SHIFT+U mode depending on the ISS_SHIFTU flag.

// If ISS_VIEW_OVERRIDE is set, the in-car view Heading, Pitch, Roll and FOV [not smooth]
// can be set using this packet.  Otherwise normal in game control will be used.

// Position vector (Vec Pos) - in SHIFT+U mode, Pos can be either relative or absolute.

// If ISS_SHIFTU_FOLLOW is set, it's a following camera, so the position is relative to
// the selected car.  Otherwise, the position is absolute, as used in normal SHIFT+U mode.

// NOTE: Set InGameCam or ViewPLID to 255 to leave that option unchanged.

// --------------------------

// The "Time" value in the packet is used for camera smoothing.  A zero Time means instant
// positioning.  Any other value (milliseconds) will cause the camera to move smoothly to
// the requested position in that time.  This is most useful in SHIFT+U camera modes or
// for smooth changes of internal view when using the ISS_VIEW_OVERRIDE flag.

// NOTE: You can use frequently updated camera positions with a longer Time value than
// the update frequency.  For example, sending a camera position every 100 ms, with a
// Time value of 1000 ms.  LFS will make a smooth motion from the rough inputs.

// If the requested camera mode is different from the one LFS is already in, it cannot
// move smoothly to the new position, so in this case the "Time" value is ignored.

// -----------------------

// To GET a CamPosPack from LFS, send this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_SCP		(Send Cam Pos)

// LFS will reply with a CamPosPack as described above.  You can store this packet
// and later send back exactly the same packet to LFS and it will try to replicate
// that camera position.

// ============

// Request the current time at any point with this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_GTH		(Get Time in Hundredths)

// The time will be sent back in this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: non-zero		(as received in the request packet)
// SubT: SMALL_RTP		(Race Time Packet)
// UVal: Time			(hundredths of a second since start of race or replay)

// You can stop or start time in LFS and while it is stopped you can send packets to move
// time in steps.  Time steps are specified in hundredths of a second.
// Warning: unlike pausing, this is a "trick" to LFS and the program is unaware of time
// passing so you must not leave it stopped because LFS is unusable in that state.
// This packet is not available in live multiplayer mode.

// Stop and Start with this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_TMS		(TiMe Stop)
// UVal: stop			(1 - stop / 0 - carry on)

// When STOPPED, make time step updates with this IS_SMALL:

// ReqI: 0
// SubT: SMALL_STP		(STeP)
// UVal: number			(number of hundredths of a second to update)

// ==============

// You can load a replay or set the position in a replay with an IS_RIP packet.
// Replay positions and lengths are specified in hundredths of a second.
// LFS will reply with another IS_RIP packet when the request is completed.

struct IS_RIP // Replay Information Packet
	byte	Size;		// 80
	byte	Type;		// ISP_RIP
	byte	ReqI;		// request: non-zero / reply: same value returned
	byte	Error;		// 0 or 1 = OK / other values are listed below

	byte	MPR;		// 0 = SPR / 1 = MPR
	byte	Paused;		// request: pause on arrival / reply: paused state
	byte	Options;	// various options - see below
	byte	Sp3;

	unsigned	CTime;	// (hundredths) request: destination / reply: position
	unsigned	TTime;	// (hundredths) request: zero / reply: replay length

	char	RName[64];	// zero or replay name - last byte must be zero

// NOTE about RName:
// In a request, replay RName will be loaded.  If zero then the current replay is used.
// In a reply, RName is the name of the current replay, or zero if no replay is loaded.

// You can request an IS_RIP packet at any time with this IS_TINY:

// ReqI: non-zero		(returned in the reply)
// SubT: TINY_RIP		(Replay Information Packet)

// Error codes returned in IS_RIP replies:

	RIP_OK,				//  0 - OK: completed instruction
	RIP_ALREADY,		//  1 - OK: already at the destination
	RIP_DEDICATED,		//  2 - can't run a replay - dedicated host
	RIP_WRONG_MODE,		//  3 - can't start a replay - not in a suitable mode
	RIP_NOT_REPLAY,		//  4 - RName is zero but no replay is currently loaded
	RIP_CORRUPTED,		//  5 - IS_RIP corrupted (e.g. RName does not end with zero)
	RIP_NOT_FOUND,		//  6 - the replay file was not found
	RIP_UNLOADABLE,		//  7 - obsolete / future / corrupted
	RIP_DEST_OOB,		//  8 - destination is beyond replay length
	RIP_UNKNOWN,		//  9 - unknown error found starting replay
	RIP_USER,			// 10 - replay search was terminated by user
	RIP_OOS,			// 11 - can't reach destination - SPR is out of sync

// Options byte: some options

#define RIPOPT_LOOP			1		// replay will loop if this bit is set
#define RIPOPT_SKINS		2		// set this bit to download missing skins
#define RIPOPT_FULL_PHYS	4		// use full physics when searching an MPR

// NOTE: RIPOPT_FULL_PHYS makes MPR searching much slower so should not normally be used.
// This flag was added to allow high accuracy MCI packets to be output when fast forwarding.

// ===========

// You can instuct LFS to save a screenshot in data\shots using the IS_SSH packet.
// It will be saved as bmp / jpg / png as set in Misc Options.
// Name can be a filename (excluding extension) or zero - LFS will create a name.
// LFS will reply with another IS_SSH when the request is completed.

struct IS_SSH // ScreenSHot
	byte	Size;		// 40
	byte	Type;		// ISP_SSH
	byte	ReqI;		// request: non-zero / reply: same value returned
	byte	Error;		// 0 = OK / other values are listed below

	byte	Sp0;		// 0
	byte	Sp1;		// 0
	byte	Sp2;		// 0
	byte	Sp3;		// 0

	char	Name[32];	// name of screenshot file - last byte must be zero

// Error codes returned in IS_SSH replies:

	SSH_OK,				//  0 - OK: completed instruction
	SSH_DEDICATED,		//  1 - can't save a screenshot - dedicated host
	SSH_CORRUPTED,		//  2 - IS_SSH corrupted (e.g. Name does not end with zero)
	SSH_NO_SAVE,		//  3 - could not save the screenshot

// =======

// You can make up to 240 buttons appear on the host or guests (ID = 0 to 239).
// You should set the ISF_LOCAL flag (in IS_ISI) if your program is not a host control
// system, to make sure your buttons do not conflict with any buttons sent by the host.

// LFS can display normal buttons in these four screens:

// - main entry screen
// - race setup screen
// - in game
// - SHIFT+U mode

// The recommended area for most buttons is defined by:

#define IS_X_MIN 0
#define IS_X_MAX 110

#define IS_Y_MIN 30
#define IS_Y_MAX 170

// If you draw buttons in this area, the area will be kept clear to
// avoid overlapping LFS buttons with your InSim program's buttons.
// Buttons outside that area will not have a space kept clear.
// You can also make buttons visible in all screens - see below.

// To delete one button or a range of buttons or clear all buttons, send this packet:

struct IS_BFN // Button FunctioN - delete buttons / receive button requests
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_BFN
	byte	ReqI;		// 0
	byte	SubT;		// subtype, from BFN_ enumeration (see below)

	byte	UCID;		// connection to send to or received from (0 = local / 255 = all)
	byte	ClickID;	// if SubT is BFN_DEL_BTN: ID of single button to delete or first button in range
	byte	ClickMax;	// if SubT is BFN_DEL_BTN: ID of last button in range (if greater than ClickID)
	byte	Inst;		// used internally by InSim

enum // the fourth byte of IS_BFN packets is one of these
	BFN_DEL_BTN,		//  0 - instruction		: delete one button or range of buttons (must set ClickID)
	BFN_CLEAR,			//  1 - instruction		: clear all buttons made by this insim instance
	BFN_USER_CLEAR,		//  2 - info			: user cleared this insim instance's buttons
	BFN_REQUEST,		//  3 - user request	: SHIFT+B or SHIFT+I - request for buttons

// NOTE: BFN_REQUEST allows the user to bring up buttons with SHIFT+B or SHIFT+I

// SHIFT+I clears all host buttons if any - or sends a BFN_REQUEST to host instances
// SHIFT+B is the same but for local buttons and local instances

// To send a button to LFS, send this variable sized packet

struct IS_BTN // BuTtoN - button header - followed by 0 to 240 characters
	byte	Size;		// 12 + TEXT_SIZE (a multiple of 4)
	byte	Type;		// ISP_BTN
	byte	ReqI;		// non-zero (returned in IS_BTC and IS_BTT packets)
	byte	UCID;		// connection to display the button (0 = local / 255 = all)

	byte	ClickID;	// button ID (0 to 239)
	byte	Inst;		// some extra flags - see below
	byte	BStyle;		// button style flags - see below
	byte	TypeIn;		// max chars to type in - see below

	byte	L;			// left   : 0 - 200
	byte	T;			// top    : 0 - 200
	byte	W;			// width  : 0 - 200
	byte	H;			// height : 0 - 200

//	char	Text[TEXT_SIZE]; // 0 to 240 characters of text

// ClickID byte: this value is returned in IS_BTC and IS_BTT packets.

// Host buttons and local buttons are stored separately, so there is no chance of a conflict between
// a host control system and a local system (although the buttons could overlap on screen).

// Programmers of local InSim programs may wish to consider using a configurable button range and
// possibly screen position, in case their users will use more than one local InSim program at once.

// TypeIn byte: if set, the user can click this button to type in text.

// Lowest 7 bits are the maximum number of characters to type in (0 to 95)
// Highest bit (128) can be set to initialise dialog with the button's text

// On clicking the button, a text entry dialog will be opened, allowing the specified number of
// characters to be typed in.  The caption on the text entry dialog is optionally customisable using
// Text in the IS_BTN packet.  If the first character of IS_BTN's Text field is zero, LFS will read
// the caption up to the second zero.  The visible button text then follows that second zero.

// Text: 65-66-67-0 would display button text "ABC" and no caption

// Text: 0-65-66-67-0-68-69-70-71-0-0-0 would display button text "DEFG" and caption "ABC"

// Inst byte: mainly used internally by InSim but also provides some extra user flags

#define INST_ALWAYS_ON	128		// if this bit is set the button is visible in all screens

// NOTE: You should not use INST_ALWAYS_ON for most buttons.  This is a special flag for buttons
// that really must be on in all screens (including the garage and options screens).  You will
// probably need to confine these buttons to the top or bottom edge of the screen, to avoid
// overwriting LFS buttons.  Most buttons should be defined without this flag, and positioned
// in the recommended area so LFS can keep a space clear in the main screens.

// BStyle byte: style flags for the button

#define ISB_C1			1		// you can choose a standard
#define ISB_C2			2		// interface colour using
#define ISB_C4			4		// these 3 lowest bits - see below
#define ISB_CLICK		8		// click this button to send IS_BTC
#define ISB_LIGHT		16		// light button
#define ISB_DARK		32		// dark button
#define ISB_LEFT		64		// align text to left
#define ISB_RIGHT		128		// align text to right

// colour 0: light grey			(not user editable)
// colour 1: title colour		(default:yellow)
// colour 2: unselected text	(default:black)
// colour 3: selected text		(default:white)
// colour 4: ok					(default:green)
// colour 5: cancel				(default:red)
// colour 6: text string		(default:pale blue)
// colour 7: unavailable		(default:grey)

// NOTE: If width or height are zero, this would normally be an invalid button.  But in that case if
// there is an existing button with the same ClickID, all the packet contents are ignored except the
// Text field.  This can be useful for updating the text in a button without knowing its position.
// For example, you might reply to an IS_BTT using an IS_BTN with zero W and H to update the text.

// Replies: If the user clicks on a clickable button, this packet will be sent:

struct IS_BTC // BuTton Click - sent back when user clicks a button
	byte	Size;		// 8
	byte	Type;		// ISP_BTC
	byte	ReqI;		// ReqI as received in the IS_BTN
	byte	UCID;		// connection that clicked the button (zero if local)

	byte	ClickID;	// button identifier originally sent in IS_BTN
	byte	Inst;		// used internally by InSim
	byte	CFlags;		// button click flags - see below
	byte	Sp3;

// CFlags byte: click flags

#define ISB_LMB			1		// left click
#define ISB_RMB			2		// right click
#define ISB_CTRL		4		// ctrl + click
#define ISB_SHIFT		8		// shift + click

// If the TypeIn byte is set in IS_BTN the user can type text into the button
// In that case no IS_BTC is sent - an IS_BTT is sent when the user presses ENTER

struct IS_BTT // BuTton Type - sent back when user types into a text entry button
	byte	Size;		// 104
	byte	Type;		// ISP_BTT
	byte	ReqI;		// ReqI as received in the IS_BTN
	byte	UCID;		// connection that typed into the button (zero if local)

	byte	ClickID;	// button identifier originally sent in IS_BTN
	byte	Inst;		// used internally by InSim
	byte	TypeIn;		// from original button specification
	byte	Sp3;

	char	Text[96];	// typed text, zero to TypeIn specified in IS_BTN

// ======

// The user's car in multiplayer or the viewed car in single player or single player
// replay can output data to an external program while in VIEW_DRIVER or VIEW_CUSTOM.

// This can be controlled by 6 lines in the cfg.txt file:

// OutSim Mode 0		: 0 = off / 1 = driving / 2 = driving + replay
// OutSim Delay 1		: minimum delay between packets (100ths of a sec)
// OutSim IP	: IP address to send the UDP packet
// OutSim Port 0		: IP port
// OutSim ID 0			: if not zero, adds an identifier to the packet
// OutSim Opts 0		: see docs\OutSimPack.txt for the available options

// If OutSim Opts is zero, each update sends the following UDP packet:

struct OutSimPack
	unsigned	Time;		// time in milliseconds (to check order)

	Vector		AngVel;		// 3 floats, angular velocity vector
	float		Heading;	// anticlockwise from above (Z)
	float		Pitch;		// anticlockwise from right (X)
	float		Roll;		// anticlockwise from front (Y)
	Vector		Accel;		// 3 floats X, Y, Z
	Vector		Vel;		// 3 floats X, Y, Z
	Vec			Pos;		// 3 ints   X, Y, Z (1m = 65536)

	int			ID;			// optional - only if OutSim ID is specified

// NOTE 1) X and Y axes are on the ground, Z is up.

// NOTE 2) Motion simulators can be dangerous.  The Live for Speed developers do
// not support any motion systems in particular and cannot accept responsibility
// for injuries or deaths connected with the use of such machinery.

// ========

// The user's car in multiplayer or the viewed car in single player or
// single player replay can output information to a dashboard system
// while viewed from an internal view.

// This can be controlled by 5 lines in the cfg.txt file:

// OutGauge Mode 0		: 0-off 1-driving 2-driving+replay
// OutGauge Delay 1		: minimum delay between packets (100ths of a sec)
// OutGauge IP	: IP address to send the UDP packet
// OutGauge Port 0		: IP port
// OutGauge ID 0		: if not zero, adds an identifier to the packet

// Each update sends the following UDP packet:

struct OutGaugePack
	unsigned	Time;			// time in milliseconds (to check order)

	char		Car[4];			// Car name
	word		Flags;			// Info (see OG_x below)
	byte		Gear;			// Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
	byte		PLID;			// Unique ID of viewed player (0 = none)
	float		Speed;			// M/S
	float		RPM;			// RPM
	float		Turbo;			// BAR
	float		EngTemp;		// C
	float		Fuel;			// 0 to 1
	float		OilPressure;	// BAR
	float		OilTemp;		// C
	unsigned	DashLights;		// Dash lights available (see DL_x below)
	unsigned	ShowLights;		// Dash lights currently switched on
	float		Throttle;		// 0 to 1
	float		Brake;			// 0 to 1
	float		Clutch;			// 0 to 1
	char		Display1[16];	// Usually Fuel
	char		Display2[16];	// Usually Settings

	int			ID;				// optional - only if OutGauge ID is specified

// OG_x - bits for OutGaugePack Flags

#define OG_SHIFT		1		// key
#define OG_CTRL			2		// key

#define OG_TURBO		8192	// show turbo gauge
#define OG_KM			16384	// if not set - user prefers MILES
#define OG_BAR			32768	// if not set - user prefers PSI

// DL_x - bits for OutGaugePack DashLights and ShowLights

	DL_SHIFT,			// bit 0	- shift light
	DL_FULLBEAM,		// bit 1	- full beam
	DL_HANDBRAKE,		// bit 2	- handbrake
	DL_PITSPEED,		// bit 3	- pit speed limiter
	DL_TC,				// bit 4	- TC active or switched off
	DL_SIGNAL_L,		// bit 5	- left turn signal
	DL_SIGNAL_R,		// bit 6	- right turn signal
	DL_SIGNAL_ANY,		// bit 7	- shared turn signal
	DL_OILWARN,			// bit 8	- oil pressure warning
	DL_BATTERY,			// bit 9	- battery warning
	DL_ABS,				// bit 10	- ABS active or switched off
	DL_ENGINE,			// bit 11	- engine damage
	DL_FOG_REAR,		// bit 12
	DL_FOG_FRONT,		// bit 13
	DL_DIPPED,			// bit 14	- dipped headlight symbol
	DL_FUELWARN,		// bit 15	- low fuel warning light
	DL_SIDELIGHTS,		// bit 16	- sidelights symbol
	DL_NEUTRAL,			// bit 17	- neutral light

// bits outside the numerical range above

#define DLF_ENGINE_SEVERE	0x10000000	// set if engine damage is severe
