LFS Editor/Guides/Driver Side Swap

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Driver Side Swap

  1. 1 Open the model you will edit. Load model
  2. 2 Click the Edit button in the bottom right, or pressing the E.
  3. 3 Click the tri button at the top to enter, or pressing the 2 key. Triangle Mode.
  4. 4 LFS Editor Modeller view modes.jpg from the view models section at the bottom right Click the l.r.swap.
  5. 5 Select the triangles you want to switch sides and click the swap button. After clicking on l.r.swap, this section will be on the top right. L.r.swap.png
  6. 6 The triangles you selected will look like this ➔ .
    PEJO 310 COCPIT swaping
  7. 7 After you finish the triangles Click the pressing the esc key. LFS Editor/Vehicle Editor/Class & Inputs.
  8. 8 From the bottom left click locked drive side and confirm.
  9. 9 Select side.jpg and when you press the direction buttons, you will notice that the driver's side and the triangles you selected change.