User:Flame CZE/Sandbox

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Command line options

LFS can be started using a command line or another program.

Before selecting host options, you may find it helpful to run LFS and try out the options on the Start New Host screen - the required upload bandwidth for those options is displayed on screen.

A command line or a command file is required for dedicated hosts.

List of commands:

The following command, if used, must be the first command on a command line or the first command in a command file.

/settings=X.txt      :load settings from X.txt instead of cfg.txt

If the following command is used it must be before any other commands.

/join=Host Name      :join an internet server

The following command may only be used after /join.

/pass=Pass           :if required - password

The following commands are mainly for hosts but may also be used to override various cfg.txt settings or start InSim.

/ip=X.X.X.X          :if required - local specified ip address
/port=63392          :a high number below 65536
/mode=demo           :demo / s1 / s2 / s3
/usemaster=yes       :no / yes / hidden
/track=XXCR          :track and config (e.g. BL1 / SO3R / FE4)
/weather=1           :weather: 1,2,3 in Blackwood
/cars=[cars]         :see below: "Car Strings"
/maxguests=4         :max number of guests that can join host
/adminslots=0        :slots reserved for admins (0 to 8)
/carsmax=5           :max number of cars in a race
/carshost=1          :max number of cars (real+ai) on host pc
/carsguest=1         :max number of cars (real+ai) per guest pc
/pps=4               :smoothness (3-12) number of car updates per second
/qual=0              :qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying
/laps=5              :number of lap, 0 for practice
/wind=1              :0 no wind / 1 low wind / 2 high wind
/dedicated=no        :no / yes / nogfx / invisible
/vote=yes            :no / yes: can guests vote to kick or ban
/select=yes          :no / yes: can guests select track
/rstmin=X            :no restart for X seconds after race start
/rstend=X            :no restart for X seconds after race finish
/autokick=no         :no / kick / ban / spec (wrong way drivers)
/midrace=yes         :no / yes               (join during race)
/mustpit=no          :no / yes               (pit stop required)
/canrefuel=no        :no / yes               (refuelling allowed)
/showfuel=no         :no / yes               (remote cars fuel visible)
/canreset=no         :no / yes               (allow car reset)
/fcv=no              :no / yes               (force cockpit view)
/cruise=no           :no / yes               (allow wrong way)
/allowmods X         :no / yes               (allow mods)
/unapproved X        :no / yes               (allow unapproved mods)
/start=finish        :fixed/finish/reverse/random (default race start)
/vr=X                :off / on / rift / openvr - avoid or enter vr mode
/insim=PORT          :listen for InSim (PORT is between 1 and 65535)
/player=Name         :use the specified player name
/windowed=X          :no / yes - overrides the cfg.txt setting
/autosave=0          :MPR autosave (0-no / 1-manual / 2-auto)
/mprdir=X            :set the data folder for mpr saving
/lytdir=X            :set the data folder for layouts

You can use a command file xxx.txt instead of a long command line. The command file contains the command line parameters. The parameters can be spread onto several lines. The command file can contain comments, starting with two slashes // Then the command line would be simply:

LFS.exe /cfg=xxx.txt (where xxx.txt is the name of the config file)

Host commands:

Some text commands are intended for hosts and administrators.

Using the normal text message system (pressing T in a normal host or simply typing into a nogfx host), the message becomes a command if you start it with a slash character.

Simple commands with no parameter:

/restart             :start a race
/qualify             :start qualifying
/end                 :return to race setup screen
/help                :get list of commands
/ck                  :cancel any kick or ban votes in progress
/cv                  :cancel game votes (restart / end / qualify)
/zero_all            :reset lap counters on all cars

Commands with a parameter - race setup screen:

/track XXCR [W]      :track and config      (e.g. BL1 / SO3R / FE4)
/weather W           :lighting              (W = 1, 2, 3...)
/qual X              :qualifying minutes    (0 = no qualifying)
/laps X              :number of laps        (0 = practice)
/hours X             :number of hours       (if laps not specified)
/wind X              :0 no / 1 low / 2 high

Commands with a parameter - any time:

/maxguests X         :max number of guests that can join host
/adminslots X        :slots reserved for admins (0 to 8)
/carsmax X           :max number of cars in a race
/carshost X          :max number of cars (real+ai) on host pc
/carsguest X         :max number of cars (real+ai) per guest pc
/pps X               :smoothness (3-12) maximum car updates per second
/msg X               :send system message
/vote X              :no / yes                    (allow guest voting)
/select X            :no / yes                    (guests select track)
/rstmin X            :no restart for X seconds after race start
/rstend X            :no restart for X seconds after race finish
/autokick X          :no / kick / ban / spec      (wrong way drivers)
/midrace X           :no / yes                    (join during race)
/mustpit X           :no / yes                    (pit stop required)
/canrefuel X         :no / yes                    (refuelling allowed)
/showfuel X          :no / yes                    (remote fuel gauges)
/canreset X          :no / yes                    (allow car reset)
/fcv X               :no / yes                    (force cockpit view)
/cruise X            :no / yes                    (allow wrong way)
/allowmods X         :no / yes                    (allow mods)
/unapproved X        :no / yes                    (unapproved mods)
/start X             :fixed/finish/reverse/random (default race start)
/pass X              :set new password            (BLANK = no password)
/setlap   USERNAME Y :set user's current lap to Y (negative = subtract)
/cansiren USERNAME Y :allow or disallow siren     (Y = 0 or 1)
/ujoin    USERNAME   :adds user to the race
/uai      USERNAME   :adds user's AI driver to the race
/cars [cars]         :see below: "Car Strings"
/mods [mods]         :see below: "Mods"
/enforce             :spectate anyone who is driving a disallowed car
/welcome X.txt       :set welcome text file
/tracks X.txt        :set list of allowed tracks
/autosave X          :MPR autosave (0-no / 1-manual / 2-auto)
/save_mpr X          :save MPR with name X (autosave must be 1 or 2)
/mprflush X          :flush mpr to file every X seconds (0 = disable)
/ndebug X            :no / yes (network debug)

Autocross layout commands:

/axlist X            :get list of layouts for track X - e.g. AU1
/axload X            :load layout X on host
/axsave X            :save layout X on host
/axlaps X            :set autocross number of laps
/axclear             :clear layout

Ban / Kick / Spectate commands - any time:

/spec X              :make user X join the spectators
/kick X              :disconnect user X
/ban X Y             :ban user X for Y days (0 = 12 hours)
/unban X             :remove ban on user X
/pitlane X           :send user X to the pit lane
/pit_all             :send all cars to the pit lane


/p_dt USERNAME       :give drive through penalty
/p_sg USERNAME       :give stop-go penalty
/p_30 USERNAME       :give 30 second time penalty
/p_45 USERNAME       :give 45 second time penalty
/p_clear USERNAME    :clear a time or pit penalty

Race Control Messages (big text in centre of screen):

/rcm MESSAGE         :set a Race Control Message to be sent
/rcm_ply USERNAME    :send the RCM to USERNAME
/rcm_all             :send the RCM to all
/rcc_ply USERNAME    :clear USERNAME's RCM
/rcc_all             :clear all RCMs

Local commands:

Most of these text commands replicate functions usually controlled by pressing on-screen buttons but can be useful in other situations, for example when controlling LFS from an external program using InSim.

Race setup screen only:

/ready               :set ready
/cancel              :cancel ready
/clear               :clear all racers from list

Race setup screen or in game:

/car XXX             :select car (e.g. XRT)
/setup  [X]          :select setup X (default if no X)
/colour [X]          :select colour X (default if no X)
/join                :join the race
/ai     [NAME]       :add ai driver (can specify NAME)
/spec                :spectate or leave grid
/leave               :disconnect from host
/player X            :select existing player X
/lang X              :load language X (data\language\X.txt)
/horn X              :select horn type X (1 to 5)
/siren off/slow/fast :switch siren (if allowed by host)
/cp                  :copy free view text to clipboard
/cp X                :restore previously copied free view
/axsel               :copy selected objects text to clipboard
/aiskill             :set AI skill level (for adding AI)
/aiset NAME X        :set AI driver to skill level X (1 to 5)
/aiset_all X         :set all local AI drivers to skill level X

Mode / replay control:

/spr X               :run a SP replay from entry (front end) screen
/mpr X               :run a MP replay from entry (front end) screen
/end                 :exit from replay back to entry screen
/sp                  :go into single player from entry screen
/mp IP Port          :join a local server from entry screen
/join Host Name      :join an internet server from entry screen
/mprlag X            :simulate packet delay of X ms (+ no smoothing)
/mprsmooth X         :0 / 1 (disable or enable input smoothing)

Any time:

/exit                :exit LFS
/entry               :return to entry screen
/spectv no/yes       :auto select TV camera on spectate
/speedreduce X       :total speed steer reduction (0 to 1)
/reducehalf X        :speed in m/s for half of reduction
/loadkb X            :load kb settings file (data\misc\X.kbs)
/savekb X            :save kb settings file (data\misc\X.kbs)
/out X               :only seen by external programs
/log X.txt           :set message log file
/refresh             :refresh list of setups / hosts / replays
/rsh                 :reload shaders
/window X Y          :set window client area width and height
/window [min/max/monitor/virtual] - adjust window (no param = restore)

Useful commands for scripts and controller buttons:

/run X               :run the script X     (data\script\X.lfs)
/exec E C            :run program E        (with command line C)
/wait E C            :like exec but LFS hangs until E exits
/fov    [degrees]           - field of view
/ff     [0-200]             - force feedback strength
/axis   [axis]   [function] - e.g. /axis 2 throttle   (see below)
/invert [0/1]    [function] - e.g. /invert 1 brake    (see below)
/button [button] [function] - e.g. /button 5 shift_up (see below)
/key    [key]    [function] - e.g. /key Q handbrake   (see below)
/head_tilt       [degrees]  - 1g head tilt
/lateral_shift   [m]        - 1g lateral shift
/forward_shift   [m]        - 1g forward shift
/vertical_shift  [m]        - 1g vertical shift
/hidetext   [yes/no]        - hide or show text (SHIFT + F)
/block      [0/1/2]         - block messages (none / user / all)
/showmouse  [yes/no]        - show or hide mouse (SHIFT + Z)
/say        [message]       - same as typing a chat message
/echo       [text]          - show text only on local screen
/ctrlf      [num] [text]    - change text e.g. "ctrlf 1 hello"
/altf       [num] [text]    - change text e.g. "altf 1 bye"
/wheel_turn [degrees]       - specify turn angle of controller
/press      [key]           - simulate key press (see PARAMETERS)
/shift      [key]           - SHIFT + key
/ctrl       [key]           - CTRL + key
/alt        [key]           - ALT + key
/autoclutch [0-1]           - turn autoclutch off / on
/shifter    [auto/sequential/shifter]    - shift type
/view       [fol/heli/cam/driver/custom] - select view
/vr reset                       - position and orientation (default F8)
/vr reset_headset               - instantly reset headset position
/vr use_relative                - instantly use relative position
/vr [on/off/toggle/rift/openvr] - instantly enter or leave vr mode
/view save                  - save any changes made to a custom view
/view reload                - reload custom view (without saving)

IN A SCRIPT: //comment - this line is ignored IN CHAT BOX: //xxx - short for /run xxx

To get info from LFS World - /w and /ws commands:

 /w CMD sends command to LFS World for current car/track
 e.g.  /w pb  (Personal Best)  or  /w laps  (Laps)
 /ws TRACK CAR CMD sends command for specified car/track
 e.g.  /ws BL1R XRT pb  (get PB in XR GT TURBO at Blackwood GP REV)
 More online DB access commands:

To get info from master server - /m command:

 /m find USER - find a user online
 /m ?         - get a list of master commands

Car Strings:

The /cars command for hosts or admins uses 3-character car codes.

/cars=XFG+XRG        :allow XF GTI and XR GT
/cars=MRT            :allow MRT5 only

These Car Groups can be used as well:

ALL - all cars ROAD - road legal cars RACE - race cars TBO - same as XRT+RB4+FXO LRF - same as LX6+RAC+FZ5 GTR - same as FXR+XRR+FZR

The plus and minus symbols can be used in conjuction with these:

/cars=TBO+LX4        :allow XRT, RB4, FXO and LX4
/cars=ROAD-UF1       :allow all road cars except the UF 1000
/cars+=XRT           :add XRT to the current list of cars
/cars-=BF1           :disallow the BF1


The /mods command for hosts or admins uses 6-character mod codes.

/mods=C52608+B7B8DC  :set a list of allowed mods
/mods+=FC2B6F        :add to list
/mods-=C52608        :remove from list
/mods=ALL            :remove the list and set /allowmods=yes
/mods=NONE           :remove the list and set /allowmods=no

FUNCTION NAMES for the /button AND /key COMMANDS:

steer_left, steer_right, steer_fast, steer_slow throttle, brake, shift_up, shift_down, clutch, handbrake left_view, right_view, rear_view, horn, flash, reset pit_speed, tc_disable, ignition, zoom_in, zoom_out vr_click, escape, virtual_kb, talk reverse, gear_1 - gear_7 ctrl_f1 - ctrl_f12, alt_f1 - alt_f12

FUNCTION NAMES for the /axis AND /invert COMMANDS:

steer, combined, throttle, brake lookh, lookp, lookr clutch, handbrake, shiftx, shifty

UNASSIGNING a button or axis:

To unassign a button or axis from a function, you can assign -1 to that function.

Example 1: /button -1 shift_up <- unassign the shift up button Example 2: /axis -1 clutch <- unassign the clutch axis

PARAMETERS for the key commands (press / shift / ctrl / alt):

Letters A to Z Numbers 0 to 9 F1 to F12 up, down, left, right space, enter, esc, tab less, more, minus, plus - 9 March 2022