LFS Editor/Vehicle Editor/Configurations

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LFS Editor
Vehicle Mods

Configurations is a vehicle editor mode used to create multiple variations of the vehicle's 3D model. For instance, the UF1 has two configurations: default and open roof. Note that configurations can only affect the model visually, and do not allow physical changes (collision mesh, aerodynamics, etc.).

  1. 1 Open the vehicle editor.
  2. 2 Click the Configurations button in the top left corner.
Configurations mode in vehicle editor

Managing configurations

All vehicles have at least one configuration. You can add more by selecting one configuration and clicking the dup button. Similary, clicking the del button will remove the currently selected configuration. You can also rename configurations by right-clicking them.

Clicking on any configuration will enable the corresponding layers from the Modeller. You can enable (pressed yellow button) or disable (grey button) individual layers by clicking them. The model will update accordingly.

Open Roof configuration for the UF1

Configurations can then be selected in the Info section of the setup settings.